Thursday 1 November 2012

Coronation Street spoiler: Maria to get pregnant by Marcus

Yesterday the Mirror had a story about Toyah Battersby returning to Coronation Street, which turned out to be a non-story.  Let's hope today's Corrie spoiler has a bit more to it.

Post Blog Notes - 
Charlie Condou, who plays Marcus Dent on Coronation Street has just tweeted this from @charliecondou "First I've heard of it".
 And the Coronation Street press office have now confirmed the story's not true.

The Mirror says today that Maria will be pregnant with Marcus' baby.  Oh well, as Marcus is a midwife Maria should have no problems if she's alone on a beach this time when she goes into labour, like she did with baby Liam, as long as Marcus is with her.

Speaking of baby Liam, where the chuck has he gone?

The paper says that Samia Ghadie and Charlie Condou, who play Maria and Marcus, were said to be “thrilled” when they heard of the baby plans – not least because it cements their futures in the show. And The Mirror reveals there were plans for Marcus to struggle with his sexuality and fall for Maria as far back as summer last year, but Corrie boses held back on giving the green light to the plotline.

So, what do we think of this development, Corrie fans? I'm a big Marcus fan but not so hot on Maria and this story just kind of leaves me a bit cold.  But what do you think?
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  1. Frosty the Snowman1 November 2012 at 08:02

    Another flaming baby storyline. Marie Stopes would be spinning in her grave that all her hard work to promote birth control for women is just to be ignored in 21st Century Weatherfield

  2. Unlike the other breeders on the Street, I can actually understand why Maria and Marcus would have a sprog together, as it's a fundamental element of their attraction - the family unit. I can also see this being a very different version of the Sean/Whatsherface baby making venture but with two more realistic, mature and sane people. Surprisingly, I can actually see these two having a child together and then falling back to their friendship, if their emotional connection isn't enough to sustain a longer-term relationship.

  3. no no no no no more babies!!!!!

  4. I can see how contraception never enters Marcus's head so a pregnancy isn't a completely unbelievable outcome. If we hadn't just had the Tracy/Ryan baby nonsense, the Street wouldn't seem swamped with babies. I suppose David and Kylie will be the next ones. I really like Marcus and Maria together. He gets a family and she gets a kind, sensitive man who is very different from her usual alpha males. Charlie Condou is a great actor and he will make this work, and Samia will step up to the mark. It *could* have been a disastrous storyline with less competent actors.

  5. Agreed, Charlie Condou is a strong enough actor to hold up this story and I am confident that Samia will show her best stuff in holding up her end of this story! :)

  6. Tvor - don't worry, as soon as the babies are born they end up in the cupboard, so I suppose it doesn't really matter how many of them there are on the Street.

  7. I'm not sure I agree with the comment about contraception not entering Marcus's head. As a gay man, who hasn't slept with women before, I think he'd be even more worried about an unwanted pregnancy. And don't forget that an awful lot of gay men use condoms as a matter of course these days.

    Request to board mods: Can you make the words you have to enter a bit easier to read - most of them are completely illegible.

  8. Another storyline centred around pregnancy?!

  9. Unfortunately we have no control over the "captcha" words. That's coming straight from

  10. I follow charlie condou on twitter and he has confirmed that it isn't true, or if it is then he doesn't know anything about it and he is already filming post christmas eps

  11. Now that Collinson's finally leaving he seems determined to throw in so many crap storylines that the new producer will be lucky if he can salvage the Street.

  12. I agree with the poster about Marcus and Maria using condoms. I would expect both of them to be worried about HIV as Marcus is in a high risk group (and Maria is no nun either).

  13. John in Cincinnati1 November 2012 at 14:23

    NO NO NO

  14. I trust BarT and Charlie Condou that this is a non-story. If anything, I could see Marcus adopt Liam and perhaps Maria and he adopt a child together, as he intended to do with Sean. However, I'm not convinced that this relationship will last that long and even if Marcus adopted Liam, it's not like he and Maria couldn't still pursue other relationships on their own while their relationship turns back into a close friendship.

    I also agree with comments above that while Marcus may not be overtly mindful of unwanted pregnancy, as a health care practitioner and a gay man he would certainly be thinking about using condoms. If nothing else, let's think about the kind of trash that Maria has been with.

  15. non-story... thank heavens!!! We've got enough babies thank you very much.

  16. Who didn't see this coming? I could've written this...absolute garbage this show is turning into. Same old over and over.
