Thursday 18 October 2012

Ryan Thomas, Action Man

Ryan Thomas, who plays Coronation Street's Jason Grimshaw, is taking part in The Men's Health Survival Of The Fittest, a series of extreme running events designed to push contestants to the limit.  It takes place in Manchester on November 3.

Ryan reaveals to today's Star the kind of detailed trivia about his life that fans might like to know. He likes to have brown toast for breakfast but is currently experimenting with steak, as you do.  He likes fruit, yoghurts, coffee, salad and sometimes he'll have sushi.  Riveting, I know.  He loves ice-cream and his ideal meal out is sliced raw beef.

He talks about his training, says he likes playing football but hang on to your hats, Corrie fans, there is something he does not like - and I quote:  "I'm not a fan of salmon".

Ryan will be taking part in Men's Health Survival Of The Fittest in Manchester on November 3.

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  1. Look at that guy..and we're supposed to believe that he has the hots for Stella?...don't make me laugh.

  2. Does anyone know more about this Men's Health show?

  3. Jason's getting on for 30,slightly more mature than Ryan, and therefore more discerning. He might go for it with someone like Stella on a boozy holiday in Spain,but not on his own street.

  4. I beliee his character is meant to be a purely hot blooded, absent of thought, chasing his other head. Perhaps that's how we're meant to believe he'd go for anyone, including Gail and Stella.

  5. Frosty the Snowman19 October 2012 at 09:23

    There is always Grab a Granny night, that is the only time I could see Jason showing any sexual interest in Stella apart from as Humpty says on a boozy holiday with his mates for a bet.

  6. Ugh - Karl & Sunita groping each other was bad enough, but Jason & Stella??? Blech!!!

    ~JB in Canada

  7. I really want to smack all you across the face. You whiny, spoiled viewers criticizing Stella all day. The show is about the stories of people we are meant to believe are real. And in reality, there are people like Stella out there. So please, get your heads out of your asses and accept that your moaning is pathetic.
