Monday, 6 August 2012

Missed any articles on the Corrie originals?

If you've missed any of the recent posts I've written on the original cast of Coronation Street, you can find them here.

I've really enjoyed researching about the 21 original members of cast and I hope you enjoyed reading them. As I didn't include the 20 guest actors that appeared in the original episodes, here's a list of who made an appearance:

Pamela Barnett (Child)
Anthony Booth (Malcolm Wilkinson)
Elisabeth Butler (Child)
Sam Clarkson (Child)
Bill Croasdale (Policeman)
Penelope Davis (Policewoman)
Maudie Edwards (Elsie Lappin)
Joan Heath (May Hardman)
Ruth Holden (Vera Lomax)
Louise Jervis (Night Nurse)
Doreen Jones (Child)
Anthony Lees (Child)
Cyril Luckham (Dr. Tinsley)
Ray Mort (Ron Bailey)
Joy Nicholson (Child)
Lyn Paul (Child)
Patricia Shakesby (Susan Cunningham)
Christine Shaw (Day Nurse)
Jennifer Smet (Child)
Howard Sutcliffe (Child)

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  1. You did a brilliant job! I really enjoyed them!

  2. What Tvor said. Thanks for your hard work.

  3. Thanks a lot for these Llifon, they've been very revealing and ejoyable.

  4. Loved these, Llifon, thanks! Cheered up my revision time a treat!
