Sunday 1 July 2012

Video flashback: Another creature, another bad back

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that Coronation Street's rat in the pub storyline is pretty much a repeat of a storyline from 20 years ago. Most of you out there are pretty sharp at spotting second hand storylines and there were several elements of that in Friday night's story about Daryl the escaped rat.

20 years ago, Alec Gilroy had a big hairy spider that was going to bring the punters in and he'd charge them a pound or two to see it, sort of like a zoo exhibit. It was Boris, the Mexican Mouse-eating Spider. But, it escaped and went missing for an episode or two. And guess what? The kitchen had just been redone and the inspector was due to call to check it over before signing off on it.

You won't be surprised, then, to learn that Boris showed up in the kitchen while the inspector was there and Alec had to pretend to have a bad back while trapping the spider behind him, pretty much what Sunita did at one point with the rat. Poor Basil came to a sticky end when Alec had to squash it. It's the scene that I always pick as my favourite "funniest scene" and I always thought it knocked the spots off that dreadful scene with Reg and Maureen and the waterbed. But maybe that's just my sense of humour.

With that in mind, here's a YouTube of the antics, though if big, hairy spiders creep you out, you might not want to watch!

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  1. Couldn't agree more - a classic.

  2. Right down to the sore back. Hrmpfff..

  3. Reminded me more of the Fawlty Towers episode, "Basil the Rat".

  4. If you look back in the comments, Tvor, you'll find I did mention it. The health inspector's played by an old mate of mine, Benrnie Latham, who has nothing but great things to say about the fun the and Roy had filming that scene. It's one of my all-time comic Corrie moments, so thanks for reposting.

  5. Possible my favourite Corrie scene ever.
