Sunday 1 July 2012

Coronation Street double episode review, Friday June 29

The late Prime Minister Harold Wilson once said: "A week is a long time in politics" - the same could be said for Coronation Street.

I've had to take a little break from watching Corrie  - and I got so confused when they  kept changing the days it was on during the football-  and on my return to the cobbles of Weatherfield, I find things have changed quite a lot in quite a short time. 

Nick, somewhat out of the blue, is now with Leanne and playing reluctant surrogate dad to little Simon (who is running rings round him, demanding 10pm bedtimes) after Leanne took over custody - even though she's not his real mum.  Peter, unsurprisingly, is not impressed by Nick's "daddy day care".

Marcus and Sean split up, after Marcus spent  the night (not in that way) with Maria and  later confesses to Sean  he yearns for her domestic home life with child. After Sean created a jealous scene at Marcus's work,  wrongly accusing him of an affair, the pair had an angst ridden (and rather earnest - no screaming matches) heart to heart and decided to call it a day as their relationship was not "amazing and fabulous enough".  I agree, he and Sean  were always a rather boring couple but will "Saint" Marcus now decide to give heterosexuality go and play happy families with Maria? He may prefer men but he's a lot nicer than most of the love rats, neanderthals and  thugs Maria tends to go for.

The Corrie writers shamelessly ripped off the classic Basil Fawlty rat episode in the scene where Beth's son's pet rat escapes in the Rovers while an 'elf and safety inspector  was there  - not bad, but Cleese and Manuel's version was funnier.

Meanwhile, there's a new gleam in mad Mary's eye as, hurt and mocked for her ballroom dancing class prowess by Norris, she forms a new bond with Roy as he makes her cheese on toast at Roy's Rolls and she suggests some assignations involving their mutual love of chess while Norris and Hayley are out practicing their paso doble. Watch out Roy, Mary may have more on her mind than a smothered mate (I mean the chess move, not what she intends for Norris, though who knows...?)


  1. I'm so pleased they're giving Roy, Haley, Norris and Mary some air time. There are so many comedic ways this could go, providing the writers don't turn this into another affair. Surely they wouldn't do that with Roy. OTOH, look what they did with Sunita.

  2. Finally a tad of acting ability from Sean as he and Sean broke up at Eileens. The mad stomp-a-thon at the hospital was embarassing to watch.
    I doubt that Roy would ever cheat on Haley..I mean..he almost committed suicide when he thought he had fathered a baby with Tracy so no...I think this might be a wake up call for Norris who might just get jealous of Mary and Roy, even though it's purely friendship on their part.

  3. Agree, the Sean and Marcus scenes were excellently written and acted.

    And Beth picking up the rat rather than the furry mobile phone made me splutter my tea everywhere. Yeah, it's been done before, but it was done very well.
