Tuesday 5 June 2012

Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Tanner

There's a new red-headed (more or less) Mrs. Tanner on the street and I'm chuffed to little mint balls that there is! The wedding started off with an adventure but it ended up ok. Was there ever any doubt whether they would be married in the end? Julie came over all emotional and I know exactly how she felt!

For anyone that didn't see it, here's a blog post with pictorial highlights

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  1. Now writers, let's get The Tanners back into Number 11 where they belong! x

  2. I was hoping she would sing!
    Like Julie, I too had a little sob.

  3. Captain Braveheart5 June 2012 at 10:02

    They really didnt know what to do with Dennis did they? So they married him off to Rita, there is no charisma between them and she is too old for him.

  4. Rita needed her own storyline so what else would they do on Corrie? Have a wedding with some OTT drama on the side. As if the viewers expected Rita to be chucked into the canal..ya..right.
    Now the next part of the story is that Dennis has to be killed off.
    Very predictable.

  5. At that age, 10 years' difference is nothing.

  6. Lovely to see Rita and Dennis married. Let's hope the writers leave them alone now. I'm quite happy to see them in and out of other people's storylines. No OTT sensational storylines of their own although it might be fun for Dennis to get involved in some dodgy dealings. We need a lovable rogue.
