Monday 4 June 2012

Coronation Street double episode review - June 4 2012

Neither Dennis nor Rita epitomised the stereotypical joyous bridegroom and bride-to-be tonight. Dennis commented that he was about to have the last meal of the condemned man. Perhaps Ken succeeded in lifting the mood a little when he said that it was only Weetabix. Perhaps Rita had had a glimpse into the future as she seemed riddled with doubt about the step she was about to take. She appeaered in a very reflective mood, perhaps feeling  that she was too old for the wedding/marriage malarkey, despite the protestations of her entourage. She asks 'Am I making a fool of myself?' She itemises Dennis's faults and her predicament must touch even the hardest heart. Emily, characteristically wise, reminds us all that marriage doesn't come with guarantees. Rita was a little slow on the uptake believing Rick to be her wedding chauffeur. We should excuse her though as it is an emotional time and dastardly Rick can be quite convincing. How unpleasant he was though as Tina threatened to drop the bag of drugs in the water if he didn't let Rita go. The true measure of the man was exposed in the deftly written line, addressed to Tina. 'You drop that bag in the water and this one (Rita) goes in straight after.'

The shenanigans on the Street were relieved by some great lines, particularly Mary's comment about the hotpot having 'strayed from its spiritual home.' Roy's comment about his mother was superb too, as he explained her non-appearance. He describes her as 'a staunch Republican and life-long curmudgeon.'
Such disappointment though that Adam Ant, who was on the very verge of discovering the affair between Beyonce and Tom Jones, failed by seconds to catch them in their unseemly activities. Let's hope discovery is soon; for all our sakes.

So, Tina and Kirstie! Nice work ladies. How satisfying to see Rick caught and Kirstie (wasn't she sacked?) operating the sting. Once more she redeems herself and Tina is predictably delighted with her. Tina showed such courage. Before her decision to intervene, she asks Rita and her crew,  'How do you know if you're doing the right thing?' Well this time it was the right thing.  

The idea of marriage being only for the young was cast aside for all viewers, surely, tonight as the touching ceremony finally took place. Rita looked elegant and wore her age and dignity well. Her words to Dennis were very moving. 'I offer you not the summer of my life, but the autumn, warm and mellow.' Beautiful Rita, absolutely beautiful!  

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  1. The drug dealer story was so incongrous in otherwise uplifting episodes. Sunita and Karl's thwarted lovers act is now getting tedious as well as nauseating. Why is this programme unable to eschew the sex and crime for even a couple of episodes? I couldn't care less about Tina and Tommy, but couldn't the episode have ended with a toast or something postiive instead of them breaking up. The programme is adicted to misery and sensation.

  2. I am over the moon for Rita and Dennis. Before Paul and Eileen reunited, I honestly was hoping that Dennis and Rita would purchase and move into Number 11...Dennis' home when Corrie began all those years ago...x

  3. Adam, I don't know. There was so much happy happy with ladies time, catching the bad guy red handed (which, since I try to avoid spoilers, was a surprise - did Tina call them?), the wedding itself, FayE behaving, Kirstie being nice, the hotpot farce, the party, games and costumes, one ultimately sad but deserved result didn't detract. Since he was constantly lying to Tina and Ty, oh yes, Tommy deserved it. But I do agree that they shouldn't have ended on T&T; 10 more seconds for a toast and a bridal kiss would have better summed up the day.

    Rita was radiant, Tina was gorgeous, the dock scene was contrived but well acted. Hope Kirsty gets her job back; with her street smarts, maybe Tina should try to be a copper, too. Where was Deirdre?

  4. I agree - look more on the positive instead of negative. :) A great episode.

  5. maggie muggins5 June 2012 at 09:27

    Loved it! Caught the spirit of the Jubilee even though it was filmed weeks ago. Agree with abbyk that a wedding toast or kiss at the end would have better served the episode. Loved Rita's outfit!

    Where was Fiz? More extras than usual to fill in the long table - what fun! Good to see Rick go down. I think Kirsty phoned the cops. Ty must have got through to her on the phone.

  6. Frosty the Snowman5 June 2012 at 10:06

    Agree about the toast at the end, but as usual we have to have Tina being a shouty misery yet again. The drug dealer business was like the Keystone cops and why didnt the two thickies from thickdom just call the police in the firt place. Stella taking centre stage again and Sean showing off and over acting to the hilt. And Ug Tracy is back - er WHY?

  7. One bit gave me a minor niggle, as a Corrie geek. Rita announcing that her and Dennis first met in the Rovers in 1964, when they obviously already knew each other at that point. But apart from that I thought it was a great double bill, bar the inclusion of Tracy who now serves such little purpose that SHE should have been flung in the canal.

  8. Captain Braveheart5 June 2012 at 11:09

    My my that Kirsty is one fine physic - how the heck did she know to send the flying squad to the canal when not even Tyrone or Thicko knew where Tina was? What otherwise could have been a very good episode was spoilt by this tiresome pair and their constant bickering. This is Corrie not Hollyoaks.

  9. Tina clearly phoned Kirsty but the police had to wait until Rick had the drugs before they swooped in. I have really enjoyed corrie this week bar one thing.....did we REALLY have to hear Snits consider going comando! I wretched.- Micky

  10. Sunita rather than snits!- Micky

  11. Lovely that Rita is married but I really didn't enjoy her hat.
