Tuesday 5 June 2012

Things I liked and didn't about Rita and Dennis' wedding

Now that Rita and Dennis are on honeymoon, we can look back on the wedding day and relive the good, the bad and the ugly. I loved the wedding vows, I loved that Ken, Dennis' oldest friend was the best man. I liked Norris being put in his place when the wedding went through after all. I just wished Dennis had connected a fist in his smug little face!

I didn't like Sophie's wedding outfit and was a bit confused as to how Kirsty knew where Tina was but I think I need to rewatch that. There was a lot of time Kirsty was out of contact and she may have been setting up the sting at that time. Tina had time to call her while she waited for Rick.

The Jubilee party stuff was ok but I was disappointed that Nick didn't dress up. I even thought of who he could have gone as.

Want to find out? For more good/bad/ugly, click here.

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  1. I was a bit disappointed the show ended with the Tina and Tommy scene rather than with the street partying

  2. Frosty the Snowman5 June 2012 at 13:11

    Far too much Tina and Tommy for my liking and her constantly MOANING at him is becoming more than tiresome. Such a pretty girl with such a constantly sulky face.

    Where were some of the big characters? No Fiz or Dierdre or where is Sylvia - is the actress ill, she was supposed to appear as per some spoilers but seems to have disappeared for months.

    Repulsive behaviour from Sunita and Karl with Sunita saying she wasnt wearing any knickers - inappopriate and awful and not in keeping with a happy family day out.

    Too much showing off and overacting from Sean and the Hotpotgate goes on and is not funny. Hotpot is not what you would associate with food at a summer Jubilee party either.

    Too much Stella who seems to be constantly centre stage with whatever is going on.

    Lovely cars though and Rita looked very expensively done out.

    The usual nonsense at the registry office with the bride looking like she would not turn up. Where have we seen the regitrar before?

  3. Thanks for these fab blog posts Tvor. I've not seen the episodes yet as I was a surprise party last night for my neice's 18th birthday so am looking forward to watching the episodes this afternoon.

  4. Ooh you are in for a treat overall. Lovely wedding! Even the dire thug storyline was well handled and is now over

  5. I've just watched it all and loved it. The wedding made me cry. Hated too much Stella taking centre stage. Wish she'd do one.

  6. Well, IMO she's only going to get even more air time in the coming months what with her Mum coming on board.
