Tuesday 10 April 2012

What are you loving and hating about Corrie right now?

Anyone who watches any TV programme for long enough will fall in and out of love with the show, especially when it's their favourite telly programme ever.  And because it's your favourite programme, you expect so much from it and when it doesn't deliver the goods, it disappoints like no other telly programme can.

Is Corrie delivering the goods for you now?  The jury's out on the sofa in our house. 

Things I'm LOVING about Coronation Street right now include Sylvia, Audrey and the Platts, Rita and Dennis, Eileen, Paul, Lesley and the Alzheimer's storyline - because it's been done so well despite the fact it's ended so abruptly with no mention of Social Services and the help they can provide

But, come on Corrie, there's plenty for this fan (of 40 years) to not give a toss about right now. Top of the list for this fan, surprise surprise is Stella - her accent of course, is still bad. This week she told Eva "close the door arfter you leave". No Northerner, ever, ever says "arfter".  There is only one r in after.  And then she threw Karl out which I felt was good to see, finally, I thought, the woman's got a backbone. And then she took him back despite him being responsible for putting her dream of running the Rovers into jeopardy. That's not being a feisty, strong woman. That's just being soft in the head.  Also, Karl and Sunita have no chemistry and are awkward to watch, as are Tommy and Tina and I remained unconvinced that there's a point to Maria.

Yes, I'm looking forward to Terry Duckworth's return and I do hope the episodes next week with Betty's send off will do the actor and character justice. Mind you, I am disappointed that the secret of Betty's Hot Pot recipe has been left to Sean.  Sean?

But enough about my moaning. What are you loving and hating about Corrie right now?  What would you change if you could?

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  1. I'm loving the Peter-Leanne-Carla-Simon saga, thanks in no small part to the fabulous performances by all concerned, and the realism of the characters personalities, failures and all.
    I am HATING the Sunita Karl thing, oh it was so awkward and uncomfortable to see the scenes with him putting his trousers back on YUCK! it made my flesh creep. It was so so so awkward, you could practically hear the crew shifting about uncomfortably whilst filming.
    Also, there does seem to be a lack of humour now, after the heavy scenes in the first half of the year some lighthearted stories would be nice, not yet more affairs and addictions. Corrie is not Eastenders, we fans like to laugh occasionally.

    Loves xxxx

  2. I'm looking forward to next week's episodes, hope they'll be a great tribute to Betty. And then there's Rita and Dennis' wedding. Love the Audrey/Platt storyline and Kylie; more Steve/Ken scenes; a storyline for Roy and Hayley maybe; Kevin and Maria are cringingly pointless; Norris is in need of a storyline; and more screen time for Emily - hopefully we'll see that next week. Oh and more links to the past - maybe some nostalgic scenes with Dennis, Ken and Emily -they're the only ones who remember Jack Walker, Swindley and Martha Longhurst! And the other veterans can reminisce about Ena, Elsie, Annie and Albert :) Oh, and more humour - definetly!

  3. Sean and Marcus. I can't stand them. It's always about adoption lately. Done and done again.
    I don't know about anybody else but the Eileen/Paul affair creeped me out but I would like to say that the actress who played Leslie was fabulous.

  4. Stella still does not do it for me. She is not convincing as there never seems to be a good flow in her role. It all looks like a "series of events".... As if the director is saying "ok, it's Stella's turn to talk!" This really does not seem to be the right role for her. Her "Let's go to the back" line is also starting to get n my nerves!

  5. I love anything with Leanne and Peter, whether they are happy or rowing as they are both such fantastic actors that mesmerise you. I am quite enjoying the Lewis, Audrey David story although she is acting like a daft bat who suddenly couldnt care less about her family. I hate the Eileen Paul story and sincerely hope he doesnt become a full time character. Always liked Sally but Kevin should go, the scene in the Rovers yesterday just showed how meaningless he has now become. Looking forward to Rita's wedding and seeing good old Gordon Cleggie again.

  6. I'm with the Barlow fans (Peter and Leanne, that is). Bored stiff with Tracy scowling at everyone and desperate to get Steve back. The Alzheimer's storyline would have been good if there hadn't been Paul and Eileen snuggling and making google eyes behind Lesley's back all the time. I like the evolving Kirsty and Tyrone stuff. Tommy and Tina are on the boring side. Loved Rita and Dennis' love story. We need more Roy and Hayley and Sylvia and far less Mary and Norris. Agree with the dull Stella. I don't mind Karl and Sunita though it's only a fling and not looking forward to Dev finding out and gurning for all he's worth.

    - The battle for Simon: well done by all
    - Lesley's battle and the path of destruction left in it's wake
    - Rita & Dennis
    - David & Kylie
    - The Croppers
    - Karl and his gambling
    - Ken & Steve. Come home soon, Lloyd.
    - Lewis: like him in the Bistro, with Audrey, how he brings out the 'best' in Gail. I try to avoid spoilers, so I hope he has changed his ways & sticks around.
    - Marcus, but he needs work mates or a job at the health center where we get to see him in another light

    Don't mind:
    - Tommy & Tina
    - Kevin & Sophie
    - Maria

    Don't like:
    - Too many inconvenient truths: Tracy out on a technicality, David driving with epilepsy, tearing paper voids contracts, stupid stupid police, married/not married
    - St. Ella. When she's just Stella running the pub and pals with Dierdre, okay, but heart to hearts with everyone, being a busybody and caving to Karl after just a few hours, boo!
    - Gail needs a better job than cleaning her son's bistro. It gives her too much family time and makes her meddlesome.

    Makes me cringe:
    - Eileen & Paul. Lesley's still in the room, ewwwww.
    - Mary. Always has, now pointlessly
    - Kirstie, although if she becomes an abuser, it could be an interesting storyline
    - Beth & Tracy & Amy & Craig
    - Karl & Sunita
    - Brian & the Healthy Eating Initiative

    - Steve and Ken and YES Lloyd please come backsoon! Put Eileen back on the switch with alternate shifts for Ken.
    - Beth and Craig. Perhaps have Craig pop into the cafe after school as Beth works and develop a relationship with Roy/Hayley/Sylvia - I envision some fantastic little scenes there.
    - Peter/Leanne/Simon. Always fab acting.
    - Audrey and Lewis. Love his dialogue with Gail and the rest of the Platts. Hope he and the PTB reconsider and keep him on long term, rehabilitated of course.
    - The actress portraying Leslie - top notch acting. The rest of the story - dismal and cringe-worthy.

    - Fireman Paul. One of the worst additions to Corrie, other than the cross-dresser with teeth. Absolutely no chemistry with Eileen, and elicits no sympathy whatsoever over his wife having Alzheimers when he openly lives and canoodles with another woman in front of his wife.
    - Sophie. Pointless character who's only purpose it seems is to whine, dodge working, complain endlessly but what about who knows, as you can't understand a word she is saying.
    - Kevin. Seems to have lost his son along the way, also his Dad Bill, interacts with no other characters, either yells or has that hang-dog look on his face and oh yeah, I'm getting pretty sick of those bloody mechanics overalls!
    - Tracy. Perhaps she could kill Kevin and sent back to jail, this time for life with absolutely no chance of parole.
    - Sean. Why on earth would Betty leave him her hotpot recipe? Were they that close..? Perhaps he could either open up a store somewhere other than Weatherfield, sewing costumes for kids or selling Betty's hotpot. I'd like to see a storyline with Marcus wanting a child, Maria wants a man in Liam's life, they have a child together and live together as a family.
    - Gail working in the bistro, mopping the floor while customers are seated, or hanging around the bar....she should be fired. She needs a job elsewhere and really how much could she be making at the bistro? Is she making mortgage payments?
    - Diedre. Seems at loose ends since Liz left. Does she still work at the Council? I'd like to see her ditch the chain-belts and do something besides sitting at the dinner table commiserating with Tracy.

    Peter, Leanne and Simon
    Roy, Hayley and Sylvia
    Steve, Ken (and Lloyd when he returns)
    Sally (love her when she does her Hyacinth Bucket)
    David and Kylie
    Rita and Dennis

    Don't mind:
    Tommy and Tina
    Gail and Audrey
    Anna's family
    Karl and Eva
    Tyrone and Kirstie (enough build-up - get to the point!)

    Plain dreadful:
    Kevin and Sophie
    All the Alahans
    Paul and Eileen
    All the Connor sisters

  10. liking

    Roy Haley and sylvia
    Beth and Craig - lets see more of them and love the idea of Craig with Sylvia and Roy
    Steve and Ken
    Rita and Dennis

    not sure about the Lesley Eileen and Paul - think it has been an excellent handling of the subject and the emotional turmoil but think it was cheapened by the Eileen/ Paul relationship to early

  11. Im loving seeing Kens Son and Grandson on the Street what a thrill it must of been for Ken to have them star in HIS Coro st.
    Doesent his son look so much like Him, looking forward to more of them. lol yes I know we are quite a bit behind.
