Tuesday 10 April 2012

Top 60 Corrie Characters - Nos. 38 and 37

38. Emily Bishop 1961- (45 votes)

Originally Miss Nugent, we’ve seen Emily go from a young woman to an octogenarian. After jilting Leonard Swindley in 1964, she met and married Ernest Bishop in 1972. Their marriage was the most secure in the soap, but fate got in the way when Ernest was shot dead in a wages snatch at Baldwin’s factory in 1978. By 1980, Emily was married again – to Arnold Swain. He turned out to be a bigamist. She’s given a home to many residents over the years that include Deirdre Langton, Curly Watts and Kevin Webster. Her longest lasting lodgers are Percy Sugden (1988-1997) and Norris Cole (1999- ). A staunch Christian, Emily became a victim of serial killer Richard Hillman in 2002 and 2003, but luckily escaped his clutches. During her tenure, Emily has had many jobs that have included shop assistant, hospital volunteer, cafĂ© manageress and wages clerk and has spent a night up a tree. And although a timid and reserved lady, she’s had her fair share of boyfriends and gentlemen friends: 12 altogether!

Should Emily be at 38? Should the longest running female character be higher? Leave a comment!

37. Julie Carp 2008- (46 votes)
Introduced as Kirk Sutherland’s girlfriend and soon found a job at Underworld as a machinist. In 2009, it was discovered that Julie was in fact the half-sister of Eileen Grimshaw as her mother Paula had slept with Eileen’s dad Colin. Known for her colourful wardrobe, she’s often seen giving advice on romance to an annoyed Eileen and comforting her work colleagues. She split up from Kirk quite soon after her arrival and since then has had romantic inclinations with Eileen’s son Jason (before she found out they were related) and Eileen’s boyfriend Jesse Chadwick. She’s currently in a relationship with headmaster Brian Packham and she’s now pregnant. 

Should Julie be at 37? Are you a fan? Leave a comment!

Check out who's at 40 and 39.

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  1. I love Julie!!! She should be higher!

  2. John in Cincinnati10 April 2012 at 13:13

    Mrs. Bishop at 38???? What sort of calumny is that?
    She has been on the programme for 60 years!
    If the writers would still write for the older characters more than a sentence given in the pub, I think they would be higher up.

  3. I agree completely - Emily being so low is a travesty. I imagine Ken won't be much higher, but I've always thought Emily was a much better character anyway. Just a shame she doesn't get much screen time anymore.

  4. Julie has bags of potential but it depends on the writers not going overboard with the eccentricity. She's wasted in the factory - she needs somewhere that's uniquely her.

    Emily died as a character when Ernie was killed off. In the 60s she was a shy, thoughtful spinster who became more vigorous as time went on. When Ernie died Emily lost something that we've only seen flashes of since (like when she climbed the tree).
