Friday 6 April 2012

Top 60 Corrie Characters - Nos. 42 and 41

42. Eddie Yeats 1974-1983, 1987 (38 votes)

The ex-jailbird who’s remembered for being the surrogate son of Stan and Hilda Ogden when he lodged with them between 1980 and 1983. He’s also remembered for installing the ‘muriel’ of the Alps at N°13, which became an integral part of its décor along with the flying ducks. Unreliable at times, Eddie had a heart of gold that was always in the right place. When he wasn’t trying to swindle the neighbours, Eddie had two main jobs during his time on the cobbles: fixing roofs for Len Fairclough and then a bin man (or refuse collector as he liked to call it). Unknown to some, Eddie was one of Bet Lynch’s many conquests and remained a good friend to her – even saving her from an attempted suicide! A Scouser, Eddie finally settled down with Marion Willis and they married in 1983 and they moved to Bury where daughter Dawn was born the following year. Eddie made a brief visit to Weatherfield in 1987 to visit Hilda in hospital after she was attacked in a burglary at the Lowthers’ house.

Should Eddie be at 42? Did you love his chemistry with the Ogdens? Leave a comment!

41. Richard Hillman 2001-2003 (42 votes)
The charming financial advisor at day and serial killer at night! Not since Alan Bradley in the 1980s had a Corrie villain gripped the nation as much as Tricky Dickie. First appearing at the funeral of his alleged cousin Alma, he fell for her friend Gail Platt and they married in 2002. Richard persuaded Emily and the Duckworths to invest in him and also went into partnership with Duggie Ferguson, but when Duggie fell down the stairs, Richard left him to die and stole money from the business safe. Ex-wife Patricia seemed a threat to Richard’s future with Gail and he dealt with her by killing her with a shove. He then moved on to mother in law Audrey’s finances and convinced her she was going bananas in a bid to access her money and even tried to kill her by setting her house on fire. Failing to kill Audrey, he moved on to Emily. He tried to smother her and when he bludgeoned her on the head with a crowbar, he was caught by Maxine Peacock, who he murdered. Emily miraculously survived the attack. Soon enough, Gail became suspicious and confronted him. He confessed and fled but returned only to kidnap the Platt family and drive them into the canal. Only Richard perished.

Should Richard be at 41? As a classic villain, shouldn’t he have had more votes? Were you enthralled by Hillmania? Leave a comment!

Check out who's at 44 and 43.

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  1. Eddie was great, wasn't he? Was watching some Royle Family the other day and telling my daughter that Twiggy used to be Eddie Yeates, and then went looking on YouTube for some footage. He was brilliant with Hilda and Stan.

  2. Tricky Dickie has always been a favourite of mine. I thought the plot development, slow and over time, was brilliant, and something the show is lacking now with the quick fixes and things changing episode by episode! Brian Capron played him perfectly and it was always entertaining to watch, no matter how evil he got! I have been watching Corrie since the mid 90s and Hillman and his storylines still stand out as favourites.

  3. I wouldn't say Richard is necessarily a great character, but his storyline was brilliant from start to finish.

    Eddie and the Ogdens is the great 1970s sitcom that never was.
