Saturday 7 April 2012

Corrie weekly awards: April 2 - 6

Take Charge award: Beth was actually really good with Lesley.

It's not about you award: Belligerent Star: Paul needs his head knocking against something hard. He wants Eileen and he couldn't see Lesley needs something he can't give her anymore and he can't have it both ways.

Miracle man: Gold Star: Marcus' Day Care open for business! Whatta Guy!

Pants on Fire award: I don't buy Kirsty's sob story about her horror ex boyfriend. It was a bit over the top. Bid for sympathy, I think. And Karl is lying about his finances and robbing the safe. Dev said he tried to cancel the holiday and he didn't.

Ulterior motive award: Gold Star: Kirsty played matchmaker with Tommy and Tina to get them out from under Tyrone's radar, I think.

Gracious award: Chocolate star: Fiz was a lot kinder to Sally than she has been or even would have been to Fiz in the same circumstances. And she knew it. 

Prat of the week award: Gold Star: Karl robbed the pub. Then borrowed money off Sunita and gambled it on the dogs.

The Penny Dropped award: Copper Star: Stella finally put the clues together and figured out that Karl robbed the pub.

Lines of the Week:
Kirsty "I'd like to bury the hatchet" Tina "Where, in my head?"
Tracy to Beth "You've finally found your vocation. Guard Dog!"
Steve "I believe in honesty" (really?)
Eileen "I've just seen Gail Platt going to work in overalls carrying a mop and bucket. It's the little things that make life worthwhile!"
Tracy "No need to sneak around now that Lesley Ga Ga is out of the picture"
Jason "it's called Big Emotions. Easy to get confused" (When did Jason get so smart?)

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  1. Frosty the Snowman7 April 2012 at 12:18

    Frosty's Easter awards:

    Utterly pointless character of the week (again): Maria – she is now so meaningless she is actually embarrassing – what was she doing getting pie eyed in the pub when she has a baby at home???? All that nonsense with the child minder going sick, pointless and ridiculous scenes.

    Pass me the sick bucket award: Another boring and pointless character the pug ugly Fiz turning up to her arch enemy Sally with a box of chocolates and a load of old sentimental clap trap. After the Stape business they really don’t seem to know what to do with this woman.

    Too Much Booze Award: everyone seem to be non stop boozing in Corrie lately from large glasses of red to g & t’s. What happened to the old fashioned Northern brew that people used to resort to in times of trouble? Not a good message to be sending out in Frosty’s opinion.

    Another round of boozing award: Why didn’t Anna go home to spend time with her kid Faye? First she goes to the Rovers with the uber annoying Fiz and then when Stella very professionally chucks all her customers out, they relay to boozing in the Bistro? Just more pointless scene of which there seem to be more and more of lately

    Appalling character of the week award: The reptillian (great description by someone on this blog about this awful character) Paul. After nearly punching poor ill Lesley instead of hugging her or comforting her he just runs away leaving her sitting extremely distressed on her own to bawl like a girl in Roy’s Rolls in full view of everyone. Doesn’t even visit her in the care home on her first day as promised just rings up, using Eileen’s phone bill of course. This man absolutely disgusts me.

    Gormless character of the week award: Sunita running after Carl the way she is, Stella has been good to her and nothing good will come of it. She always acts and looks so unbelievably dim.

    Wallowing in self pity award: Why didn’t Tommy head straight off to Blackpool which is not far away from Weatherfield at all to be with Doreen the lady who brought him up to comfort her in her hour of need. More important to hang around the Rovers crying into his beer and trying to get off with Tina. As shallow and selfish as his father, Terra.

  2. I think Tommy didn't go to Blackpool straight away because he felt guilty about his contentious relationship with his grandad, was overwhelmed with the grief and didn't know how to handle it. That was the whole idea behind Tina comforting him and helping him come to grips with it.

  3. Pointless, ridiculous, boring & pointless, appalling, gormless, dim, wallowing in self pity........with rarely a good word to say about any of it I'm surprised you bother to keep watching!

    Negativity award of the week (and every week) goes to.......

  4. Cry me a RIver...Paul crying in his coffee at Roy's about how it was 'death do us part' and his love for Leslie whilst holding onto Eileen's hand (I wonder which nasty bits of his she touched with it hmmm?) and boo-hooing like a little girl.
    What a freakshow.

  5. pug ugly fizz? she's beautiful, that's bellow the belt!

  6. Considering how long Fiz was in the spotlight with the Stape saga, it's not surprising that she has been put on the back burner for a bit. And the actress has really done lots to improve her looks over the years, she looks great!

    At first I felt badly for Paul and understood why Eileen might feel conflicted. Now, I feel so badly for Lesley and want to will Eileen to kick Paul to the curb and scrape her shoe!

  7. Anonymous 1, I'm sorry but I too feel just like Frosty, very let down by what was once a great show. Personally I keep watching in the hope it will get better especially as I've watched for so many years.

  8. Fiz ugly? She's a real woman...not some tits on a stick like a lot of the females on the show.
    IMO she's becoming too thin..I want the old Fiz back!!
