Saturday 7 April 2012

Coronation Street double episode review, Friday April 6

 Coronation Street's prettiest pair Tina and Tommy, friends who have long had the hots for each other but not dared declare it, finally, quite touchingly, got it together after he told her "I love you" after she comforted him following his grandfather's death. 
Jason, never a man of many words or brain cells,  could only mumble "I dunno" in not exactly welcoming reaction when his mother Eileen asked him what he thought of her decision to move fireman Paul in permanently as her live in lover  now his  Alzheimer's suffering wife Lesley has been consigned to the care home. Bitchy Tracy summed up the situation rather more pithily, sneering at Paul at  "lining up a new girlfriend now your wife's  gone round the twist".
Sally made a surprise financial offer to Carla to become her partner in Underworld using her scratch card money.
Peter and Leanne's meeting with the mediation counsellor over custody of Simon ended unhappily, with neither side wanting to budge and Leanne wasting no time in pointing out how alcoholic Peter keeps going off the wagon.
Karl's lies over his secret gambling debts were exposed to a furious Stella after bailiffs turned up at the Rovers demanding the £3,200 he owed. Eva had to borrow money from the Bistro's till to allay matters and Stella threw Karl out, denouncing him as a pathetic lying scumbag.
Sunita, still conveniently home alone while Dev is  on holiday,  had offered to lend her new confidante Karl £300 but in the end he gave it back, admitting he would just spend the money on more gambling rather than towards his debts. He ended taking up Sunita's invitation to stay overnight on her sofa while she looked sympathetic and batted her eyelashes, promising she and Karl would get through the crisis "together".  I think we all know how this going to end..

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  1. If it means we get first class performances from Jane Danson and Chris Gascoyne as we did last night,then I'm all for keeping them apart. They are even better as a warring couple than a happily married couple.

    Paul and Lesley - I am not unsympathetic to people caught up in this awful situation and everyone makes their own choices but ... Paul is no ambassador and I hope he doesn't become a permanent member of the cast.

    Can Sunita please stop talking in that dreadful monotone. She is completely expressionless and has no range at all.

    I like Tommy and Tina. Nice young couple - which makes a change!

  2.'s beyond stupidity...Leanne going for custody of a kid who isn't even hers?
    The ex druggie/prostie is going to try to take away a kid from his natural father because Peter has a problem? Is this even remotely realistic? I guess Peter and Leanne will rant and rave at each other for the next few weeks until Carla, who get's tired of all the drama gives Peter the boot and moves on. So..he'll crawl back to Leanne who, saintly as she is (like her mum) will take him back with open arms.

  3. Frosty the Snowman8 April 2012 at 11:23

    I think that they are going to ruin the once promising character of Karl by having him sleep with the dull as ditchwater and emotionless chops Sunita. We could forgive his gambling ways but he is just gonna be yet another sleaze. Stella is also supposed to be her employer and her friend, doesnt anyone have any sense of loyality or right and wrong any more on Corrie? Its all self gratification all the time.

  4. Yes, Karl has turned into a sleazey, unappealing character, but that started with the gambling, stealing and lying. The cheating was just the icing on the already nasty tasting cake.

  5. I agree with Frosty. It's not that Coronation Street has lost its moral compass; the programme has tossed it under a steamroller and sold the remnants to the devil. There are hardly any likeable characters any more and few that I want to root for.

    Sunita could have bought into Streetcars and run an all female driver service for female customers at night. She could have ended up more successful than Dev. He wouldn't have liked that.

    But no. Sunita has to have an affair with the first man that crosses her path and smiles at her. We have seen it hundreds of times and I am bored before it has begun. It’s lazy and tedious writing. What on earth has become of a show that used to be excellent?

  6. Adam R, you've said it for me as well.

    The Seven Dwarves of Coronation Street have become Lazy, Sleazy,Boozy,Crazy,Floozy,Nasty and Cheesy.

    They used to include Choosy and Witty, but they were killed off by cynical producers and sensation-seeking advertisers.

    Lost its way.

  7. Adam R, you've said it for me as well.

    The Seven Dwarves of Coronation Street have become Lazy, Sleazy,Boozy,Crazy,Floozy,Nasty and Cheesy.

    They used to include Choosy and Witty, but they were killed off by cynical producers and sensation-seeking advertisers.

    Lost its way.

  8. Agree - I don't think Sunita's character would swoon at the first hint of kindness from a male - would have been more interesting to see her enable herself to do something more than sit behind that too short counter in the store. As someone else said before the actress playing Lesley should win an award for her stellar acting - on the other hand Paul should maybe be run over by a run-away fire engine - what finally did it for me was the blatant bawling in the Cafe, cringe-worthy and actually quite funny which I'm sure wasn't meant to be. Paul a long term character - OH PLEASE NO!!

  9. Agreed, but please oh please get rid of Kirsty. We here in Canada are at present 3 months behind, but thanks to up dates and u tube I'm pretty much caught up. I think the actress playing het did a great job creeping me out and made me hate her. I just.hope nothing to bad happend to poor Ty.
