Friday 9 September 2011

Corrie caricatures of the week, Audrey and Dev

All of these caricatures are created by talented artist Pickled Jo. Some of the Corrie cast even use their own caricatures for their profile pics on twitter, and I've long been a fan of her work here on the Coronation Street Blog. 

Follow Pickled Jo at her blog, on twitter, and join her facebook group.


  1. These are really great!! Is there a gallery where we can see them all in one place??


  2. I think the best thing to do is follow her on facebook as she often posts works in progress too and I think they're all on her website too.

  3. Great work but the thing about Audrey that I've recently noticed is that even when she's frowning, the corners of her mouth turn up. Definitely a unique feature worth capturing. :)

  4. Great Carcatures or (whatever they are called)but I can't help feeling Sunita has an abnormally large nose in the second one
