Wednesday 22 June 2011

Corrie producer wants Julie Walters on Coronation Street

Coronation Street producer Phil Collinson revealed in this TV interview that he wants actress Julie Walters to join Coronation Street - as Audrey Roberts' sister.  Not only does Phil want Julie on the cobbles, he's even rang her agent trying to get her.  Let's hope one day she'll say yes.

Fans here on the Coronation Street blog voted for Julie Walters to join the show, so I know there'll be a lot of happy fans reading this if Julie does join the cast.

And the actress has been quoted in the tabloids more than once over the last few months saying how much she'd like to be in the show too.


  1. Actually, thinking on - why hasn't Victoria Wood been in Corrie yet, either?

  2. I would love this but Phil Collinson would probably cast her as a suicide bomber

  3. I wonder how firm this info is?

  4. Natalie, it/s quite firm as Phil was quoted saying them in his ITV This Morning interview, which I've now linked from the blog post. Sorry, I should have put this link in first and explained where the source was from, it's here

  5. Sorry, wrong link, it's this more recent interview

  6. As much as I love Julie I dont want to see another celebrity face on the cobbles. Lets keep the already famous fans as just that. - Micky

  7. they can give her a rubbish storyline like they did Rula? Please.

  8. So a sister just magically pops up? Ive never heard Gail/Audrey talk about Audrey having a Sister. Sounds Stupid

  9. Frosty the Snowman23 June 2011 at 07:02

    I also wouldnt want to see another luvvie on the cobbles, they got Rhula and didnt use her. Plus these stars wouldnt have been seen dead in Corrie ten or twenty years ago, now its very cool to appear so it suits them. Nothing against Julie Walters as she is a fine actress but its a definite No from Frosty.

  10. I think it'd be great if Julie Walters and Victoria Wood joined. when interviewed both say how much they are huge corrie fans.

  11. John Tomlinson23 June 2011 at 09:46

    Have to say no as well. I prefer my Corrie cast to be unknowns who then become national icons. There are exceptions to this rule of course - the wonderful Ian McKellan, for one, but he played an explicity stated character with no family links to anyone else so that worked fine.

  12. Agree they should have used Rula Lenska better. Great scenes with her and Aud. Julie's a great actress but way too full of herself now. She'd want to take over.

  13. DeeDee Eckerslyke24 June 2011 at 08:59

    I avoid anything with Julie Walters or Victoria Wood so keep them away I say!
