Thursday 21 April 2011

Steve Huison to play Fat Brenda on stage

Here's some amazing news which I'm sure our blogger Fat Brenda will be bringing you the inside scoop on in due course once she's sobered up. 

Steve Huison, who is leaving Coronation Street as Eddie Windass, has revealed that he's going to play Fat Brenda in a one-man (woman?) touring stage play, starting next year, in conjunction with the Harrogate Theatre.

Our blogger Fat Brenda is going to write the play, Steve is going to act the part and it's been sanctioned by ITV.  How wonderful is that? How absolutely wonderful! 

Can't wait for Fat Brenda to give us the low down on this for the Coronation Street Blog.

Follow Fat Brenda on twitter at


  1. Brilliant, Fat Brenda! You are a wonderful writer and bring me much laughter and joy in your blogs. Thank you! Bring your play, yerself, and Steve to Vancouver so us Canucks can enjoy the play too! Of course, Canucks in other parts of Canada would enjoy it also, but the Corrie-related visits never make it to us. Start a new trend and come to Vancouver first!

  2. Bitchin Beltin' Fat Brenda and oh yes please bring it to Canada!!

  3. Fantastic news! Almost makes up for Steve leaving the Cobbles - hope this comes to Scotland!

  4. Congrats, Fat Brenda! This will be hilarious! Your entries here on the blog are pure gold and always make my day.
