Thursday 21 April 2011

Pic: Eddie Windass gets a make-over

Steve Huison, who plays Eddie Windass, got a make-over on ITV's This Morning today when his Eddie locks were cut off and the lovely bloke who plays Eddie can finally shine through.  You can watch Steve's interview video here.  Steve's hair that 's been cut off is being stuck onto Inaction Man dolls which are being sold off for the Soteria charity at

Let's just hope it's not too long before Steve's back on our TV screens.  He'll be much missed as Eddie Windass by his fans on this blog and we wish Steve all the very best indeed for his future.  Follow him on twitter at


  1. Very nice, but I still loved Fay-e's pigtails.

  2. Love Eddie, long hair, short hair or no hair at all. I'm going to miss him. :- (

  3. Gawd, he's adorable! The street is gonna be sooooo boring without him.
    ~JB in Canada

  4. The Writers Guild22 April 2011 at 07:18

    Eddie looks very smart with his new German hairstyle.

    I really wonder about Phil Collinson and the Decision Making Department and their sanity at the moment: A fresh new popular character like Eddie and what do they do, they get rid of him. A dreadful has-been, badly acted charater like Tracy, and they bring her back and extend her contract despite being very unpopular. DAH!
