Wednesday 16 March 2011

More Kylie, less Tracy

Kylie's back and David's got her. Becky is none too pleased, scared that Kylie will make more demands or take Max back when that's probably the furthest thing from Kylie's mind at the moment. She's got bigger fish to fry.

The character of Kylie is that of the muck disturber, the  "beeyatch", and the villain we "love to hate" (well I do, at least). We've already got Tracy for that, you say? But there's a difference. I'd much rather watch Kylie than Tracy and here's why.


  1. She and Gail (pleeeeeze get a job!) will always be at odds, but Kylie does show a bit of respect for Audrey. It will be interesting to watch a family relationship develop between her and a girl who never had parenting.

  2. Frosty the snowman16 March 2011 at 14:29

    They dont need Kylie AND Tracy, Kate Ford's contract should not have been renewed. I wish Gail would put Kylie and David firmly in their places and stop being such a flaming victim and for goodness sake LOOK for a job. I dont see how my taxes should keep her swigging vino in the Rovers.

  3. The difference between Kylie and Tracy is Kylie's selfishness is still on a human scale. Tracy is a sociopath and a murderer. Kylie's just a not very nice person, thanks to her hard life, so she's more sympathetic.

  4. i agree mersey i dont like the girl but see more in kylie as she was just dragged about by different parents not a very good upbrining

    whereas tracy has had a stable loving family and shes turned into a murderer-no symapthy there she doesnt give a jot about anyone

  5. Not a fan of Kylie or Tracy. Both horrible characters IMO.

  6. The brought up situation for both kylie and Tracy is different. one thing here we needed to be noted. Normally, people used to say that those who brought up from good environment will have very nice characters. But here completely vice versa. I hate Tracy's character.

  7. Here in Canada, Tracy has just been re-introduced. What an awful character!

  8. Less Kylie. Less Tracy.

  9. Kylie is better than tracy!!! Kylie is my fave charcter!!!
