Tuesday 15 February 2011

R.I.P Monica Dobbs

A poster over at the Digital Spy forums emailed ITV to find out just what had happened to Tyrone's dog, Monica, the reply was  as follows:

"Thank you for your e-mail. We’ve never had a scripted line, but it’s been at least 3 years since she was last seen, so I think we should assume that she died off-screen."

So it seems we'll never see Monica again, and adds another loss to poor Tyrone's family!


  1. Awww, that is so sad, however I am glad I don't have to fret about where she is any more. Hopefully she is now with Maxine's cat Bella, another one who just vanished.

  2. Hmm, another instance of 'developments they forgot to tell us about' as is being discussed in another thread. I can accept, maybe, Barney the rabbit dying and David not being devestated, but Tyrone adored Monica and it really SHOULD have been marked in the script. One of our dogs died last may, and our family are still always referring to him.

  3. Maria looks so different in that picture....

  4. It's fracking ridiculous that the writers left Monica to disappear without a trace of Tyrone saying ANYTHING about it. I can understand some people not giving two fracks about their pets snuffing it but Tyrone went on about that dog so much, I'm sure he felt for her as I did for my little woofer who died two years ago. I can still hear her arroooooh rwoooof... ;__;
