Wednesday 16 February 2011

Looking forward to their return to the Cobbles

I'm chuffed to little mint balls now that Big Jim is returning, so he is. The spoiler in today's Sun says he's going to (maybe) buy the Rovers from Steve to help him out of the financial hole he's in. He's hoping that will help him woo back Liz, who's also returning to our screens.

Now, given that Bev Callard is only returning to facilitate her character's departure for good (at least for now), I'm guessing that the deal won't go through (where would Jim get that kind of money anyway?) but that he and Liz will swan off into the sunset together which pleases me to no end. I know they've had a very rocky and dysfunctional relationship but for me, and I think for them, there's never been anyone else for each of them when it comes down to it.

Bruno Langley is bringing Todd Grimshaw back to Weatherfield and there's an interview with him in the Manchester Evening News today. He doesn't know yet what his storyline will be but a good guess might have something to do with his mother's financial problems and dealings with nasty Owen. Don't think he's going to let sleeping dogs lie with her blackmailing him into letting her off that theft of his money (that she returned) from a few weeks ago.

In the meantime, Bruno is starring in Calendar Girls which is playing in Manchester this month (Feb. 21 to 26) at the Palace Theatre.


  1. Would be great if they could keep Jim in it for abit longer than just another 2/3 months.

  2. It is unlikely an ex con could own a pub, is that not the reason Steve has the pub in his mother's name?

  3. Steve does own the pub but he cannot hold the license to sell alcohol because he has a criminal record. Jim could own the pub if he had the money, as well, but someone else would have to have their name over the door. He's probably hoping that would continue to be Liz.

  4. I'm looking forward to Jim's return, he's always been one of my favourites. But I wish he was staying permanently.
