Monday 10 January 2011

Mentioning The Unmentionable

Yup, it's finally happened.  In tonight's episode, Kevin finally said what we'd all been thinking: "What about Ian Davenport?"

Sally Webster's holier-than-thou image as the perfect wife was destroyed with one name.  We all knew, and it seems Kevin did as well, that Sally had carried on an illicit affair in a car showroom with Ian Davenport a few years ago.  He'd forgiven her that indiscretion, and moved on.  Yet here was Sally refusing to accept that Kevin had done much the same thing.

Ian Davenport has long been one of those storylines that we all remember, and knew would come back to haunt Sally one day.  The only surprise for me was that it didn't come from Rosie, who knew all about her mother's affair.  Perhaps she told Kevin?

And John Stape hasn't even spoken yet.  Maybe he should fill Kevin in on that ill-fated pass she made while he was tutoring her...?


  1. Kevins uspected Ian and even went so far as to thump him. Ian and Sally both denied an affair and Kevin let it slide but we all figured he knew down deep, he just wanted to keep his family together.

  2. Thank god he finally said it xD

  3. But Sally wasn't having an affair because she fancied him, she had to in order to keep her job. Kevin was purely lust and was prepared to leave Sally for the affair.

  4. I don't recollect there being a gun to Sally's head! In fact wasn't she quite put out when Ian Davenport ended it and she realised he wasn't serious about it like she was.

    Regardless of her motives she shagged him and is no better than Kevin in that respect.

    Whether it be for lust, love, revenge, or whatever, cheating is cheating. They deserve each other.

  5. Frosty the Snowman11 January 2011 at 08:01

    I think Sally has probably had more affairs than Kevin, perhaps someone could list them. Kevin had an affair with Nathalie Barnes and married Alison, thats all I can think of, 3 including Molly. Sally had Martin Pratt, the decorator bloke, the bloke who worked in the market, Les's son who ripped off the factory....the list is seemingly endless!!

  6. Sally only had two affairs while married to Kevin though, Greg Kelly and Ian Davenport. The decorator wasn't an affair and Danny from the market was while she was divorced. She was going to marry him but she did shag Kevin the night before he married Alison and Danny found out. Martin was while she was divorced as well as Chris Collins. Kevin also had an affair with Molly Hardcastle the nurse while he was divorced as well.

  7. What was most unusual is that Sally's lines were delivered as if Sally actually believed she never had an affair with Ian Davenport, even though we know for certain that she did. Very ususual in soapland, and I can only assume that at some point Rosie will let Kevin know that she really DID have an affair with him. Wonder if Sally will actually confess then?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Kevin & Sally are perfect for each other- both unlikeable, snobbish, lying cheats.
