Wednesday 3 November 2010

Queens of Corrie at Buckingham Palace today

Barbara Knox (Rita), Eileen Derbyshire (Emily) and Anne Reid (Valerie Barlow) were at Buckingham Palace today being awarded their MBEs for services to drama.  Watch them on the ITV News.

Speaking after the Buckingham Palace investiture ceremony, Barbara said: "It's very overwhelming quite honestly because it's something I've done all my life and loved and suddenly I've got an honour. I suppose we do give a service, so many millions love the programme, so there you are - it's still very surprising."

Asked whether the Queen is a fan of the soap, Barbara replied: "I'm rather led to believe she does watch when she has time and she has visited the Street so she does know about it."

Both actresses praised fellow cast members and the work of those behind the scenes from the director and writers to make-up artists for making the long-running series a success.

Barbara said: "They are a great team of actors and they are portraying marvellous people with great humour. We have marvellous storylines, very strong ones, and we have hit a nerve with the nation for almost 50 years and that's pretty special for a programme to do that. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, all these places adore the Street so we must be doing something right."

Find out more about the MBE awards to the Coronation Street actresses, here.


  1. NOW, here's a thing.... will the real Eileen Derbyshire step forward and show us the woman behind the wig? :)

  2. I hope so. They'll probably be on the evening news.

  3. The garden pixie3 November 2010 at 14:04

    I just saw them on the news, Eileen (emily) a vision in Blue and Barbra (Rita) in a facinating fascinator! Very well deserved!

  4. Doh, re that link to our previous post from June. I totally didn't remember that i posted it!

    I think they are all three well deserved!

  5. ITV lunchtime news covered it and briefly interviewed them both :)

  6. Fabulous! Thanks, Flaming Nora, for that. If you scroll down the page about half-way, there's another great interview link entitled "Rovers Royalty". Eileen is so animated and playful, it's joyful to watch them both together. Here's the link, also:

  7. John in Cincinnati4 November 2010 at 04:01

    There was film clips yesterday in the Manchester Evening New's website. As to an earlier post, I don't think Eileen is wearing a wig...I have seen her roots showing during episodes...a dye job..probably..wig no.

  8. How lovely to finally hear Eileen Derbyshire speaking, even though she sounds exactly like her character. She seemed quite bubbly, and not at all the fanatically shy and private person she is reputed to be. Let's hope Paul O'Grady might be able to persuade her to appear on his show too at some point.

  9. Well deserved for both of them and the fabulous Anne Reid as well.
