Wednesday 3 November 2010

Interview with Bill Tarmey - and Corrie competitions

I notice in next week's What'sOnTV magazine, dated 6th - 12th November, there are two competitions featuring Coronation Street, both with easy questions and good prizes - one, a signed copy of Bill Tarmey's autobiography, and the other, courtesy of Typhoo Tea, a script of the 50th anniversary episode signed by various members of the cast. The Typhoo one is quite hard to find - it's on page 93 if you're looking.

I had a look at the online version but couldn't see these competitions - they may appear nearer the time though.

There's also an interview with Bill Tarmey which can be seen if you click on the link.


  1. Another great interview, thanks, seapenguin! Bill's sense of humour is just great, and he brought that to his character Jack so well. There's one bit from the interview I just love:

    Will we see you again in something else soon?
    “I am basically lazy, I suppose. If a telly job came along, I would do it, as long as there’s no walking, no stairs, not too many words and a lot of money. Once upon a time, I thought, 'Wouldn’t it be nice to earn money while you’re asleep?' and I managed it when they were selling albums I’d made on the other side of the world, while I was snoring my brains out. I did it once, so maybe I could manage it again.”
