Saturday 6 November 2010

Humble Pie: Mon Nov 1, 2010 Corrie Episode Review



Written by Peter Whalley, directed by Dominic LeClerc

John manages to see the florist delivery man come by and John asks what his instructions were.  The man says that he was told to leave them on the steps, that’s it.  JohnNov-1-2010-Fiz-Alone-1 steals the flowers and takes them back home.  Chesney and Katy get caught leaving the Stapes' early in the morning and they beg Fiz not to tell her father.  Fiz has got her twenty week scan today and is very excited.  When Katy leaves with Fiz from the Stapes', Owen sees her and gets angry.  Fiz insists that Owen come ‘round and they can sort all of this out. 

John bricks it over the flowers again and tosses them in the bin.  He phones Charlotte saying he wants to talk and if she doesn’t get back to her he’ll show up at the school.  Is he even allowed to do that?  Well, he does.  He comes outside the main gate as Charlotte stops her way out to meet him.  Meanwhile, Fiz is waiting for her scan, but John isn’t there yet when he’s supposed to be.  At the school, John accuses Charlotte of sending the flowers but she has no idea what he’s on about.  Charlotte tells him not to bother her Nov-1-2010-Claire-Ash-1 again and stalks away.  John finally rushes into see his baby’s scan at last moment.  John hears his baby’s heart beating and declares everything else in the world unimportant.  Well, except for the fact that you buried someone.  John returns home and is shocked by a letter that came in the post.  What could it be?

Ashley is still in the doghouse and he asks Claire if they can talk about things, but Claire’s done talking.  Is Ashley going to lose his family?  Ashley pours his heart to Jack in the pub about what happened between he and Claire.  Jack says that he needs a slice of humble pie and should eat every last bit in front of her.  Ashley goes home and talks to Claire but he can’t get no satisfaction.  Nov-1-2010-kev-tryone

Kevin gets to hear all about Baby Jack’s ever moment, much to his guilty non-pleasure.  Meanwhile, Pam is over at the Dobb’s and asks Molly why Kevin is involved in Jack’s life.  Molly says she can’t avoid him and she doesn’t need her reminding her of it all.  Pam tells her that she’ll help her and support her, whatever happens.  Tyrone tells Molly that Jack doesn’t want Terry at his funeral since he only wants the ones he loves there. 

Steve and Becky can’t get twenty grand.  Steve thinks Kylie has no intention of taking Max with her but Becky reminds him she might do Nov-1-2010-Becky-Kylie-1 it out of spite.  Kylie shows up at the Rovers and asks for the money.  Becky tells her that Stevey is getting it.  While they’re waiting, Becky awkwardly tells her sister that she wishes things were different.  Kylie just wants her money.  Steve returns with ten grand short since it’s all he could max out.  Kylie isn’t having this and tells them it’s twenty – or no Max.  Becky begs Steve to get twenty grand but he says he can’t.  Steve says that he’ll try and Kylie wants to know how since ten minutes ago he said he couldn’t get any more.  Steve says he’ll go to the bank and he’ll borrow it against his businesses.  The way Kylie demands that money, you’d think she worked for the mob.  Nov-1-2010-cheryl-1

Ciaran has just left a note that he’ll be resigning.  How cowardly.  Nick and Leanne are musing over their good business dealings and Nick is thinking empires.  Leanne figures they need a bit of glamour to bring the punters in – someone behind the bar.  Leanne had Michelle in mind, but Michelle declined saying she didn’t want to work behind another bar again.  By default, Leanne asks Cheryl who doesn’t seem very keen and says she’ll “think about it.”  She really is an ungrateful spore to Leanne.  Nick is reading over Ciaran’s proposed menu and thinks that what works in the submarine won’t work in his bar.  Cheryl comes into the bar and says she’ll take the job as long as she gets a job offer.  Then, Ciaran asks for one too.  Nick rubs his brow. 


Written by Peter Whalley, directed by Dominic LeClerc

Nov-1-2010-Becky-happy-2 Steve talks to Lloyd about borrowing the money from the business and wants to know what it’s for.  Steve admits that it’s to buy Max – Kylie’s son.  Lloyd wonders if that’s illegal and comments on what an exciting life Steve leads.  Lloyd wants his promise that he’ll pay the money back.  Meanwhile, Kylie’s waiting at Roy’s for her money.  Kylie gets half her money now and the other half when she drops Max off.  Kylie shows up at the pub with Max in tow.  She wants the cut the pleasantries and get through with the deal.  This poor Max.  Now that it’s all over, Becky has what she wanted and so does Kylie. 

Katy meets with Chesney to tell him about how her father saw her and is coming around to his place.  Katy wants Ches to stand up toNov-1-2010-John-angry-2 her father even though it’ll make him even madder.  John was off to see Charlotte again but Fiz tells him that they’ve got Katy’s dad coming around and she needs him to tidy up before he comes over.  Ches tries to convince Fiz to un-invite Owen over but Fiz thinks it’ll help his case if he wants to date Katy.  Owen comes in and dismisses Fiz’s niceties.  Owen puts his foot down and the Stape’s claim their innocence.  John takes this opportunity to rip out all his stresses saying he sick of this, and he’s sick of everything.  Fiz says that she wouldn’t want his daughter disobeying him.  Owen says he doesn’t want Katy seeing Chesney again.  John says that all they can do is not allow Ches and Katy to carryon in their home, but they can’t law the law down for what Nov-1-2010-Charlotte-scared-2 happens in the great wild world.  Oh baby, baby, it’s a wild world.  It’s pretty impossible to get two teenage lovers to stop seeing each other.  Owen is fighting a losing battle.

John goes to see Charlotte later and is angry with her.  He accuses her of sending him a letter since only the two of them know what happened.  Charlotte shows him a note that she received that says “I saw what you did.”  Charlotte thinks that it could be Norris, but John thinks that he’d go to the police.  Charlotte then thinks it could be Fiz, but John dismisses that quickly.  John figures it’s not as important as who it is, but what do they want?  I wonder who it could be that saw them?  Guesses anyone?

At the pub later, Carla insists that Michelle come work for her but Michelle isn’t sure since she’s worried if the two of them would end up falling out.  Ciaran comes into theNov-1-2010-Carla-Michelle-2 pub and has a drink with Michelle.  When Liz comes back out later, she bars Ciaran from the pub.  Michelle thinks this is unfair so she quits also.  Looks like we’ll have a new PA at Underworld. 

It’s Sophie’s birthday this Friday and Rosie is excited about throwing her a party.  Sian and Sophie only want a little party, nothing fancy.  Sian wonders why she doesn’t want a big party.  Sophie says she doesn’t want a bunch of people waiting to see what she’ll get up to.  Rosie realizes the reason that Sophie doesn’t want a big party and thinks that’s bunk, figuring half of the snobby girls Sophie and Sian hang out with probably don’t even wear bras.  Rosie subtly breaks the news to her sister and her girlfriend that she is dating Jason now.  It’s no big deal.  Rosie tells Jason later that she’s going to make sure that Sophie has the biggest party ever. 

Kevin confronts Molly and asks her to get a DNA test so that he can have a clear conscience.  He wants to know whether or not he’s the father or not.  Molly tells him that she' won’t be getting a DNA test since Kevin left and Tyrone was the only father.  She doesn’t want to know anything else.  Kevin is unsatisfied with this and I’m sure it isn’t the least we’ll hear about it. 


- Fiz for trying to be civil and working things out with Owen regarding Katy and Chesney’s relationship.  Although, can you really blame him for being overprotective?  Even if he is a psycho. 

- Finally Pam is back! 

- Jack Duckworth giving advice to Ashley in the pub.  He’s like the Oracle now! 

- Even though they’re stupid, I think it’s romantic how in love Becky and Steve are.

- About Sophie and Sian’s judgemental school friends: “Who cares what they think anyway?  I bet half of ‘em don’t even wear bras!”


- Ciaran leaving a note instead of resigning like a man!  What a coward, wouldn’t have taken him for one. 

- Ciaran for making fun of Liz, “Mam McDonald” swaning around the place.  That was rather uncalled for!  What has she ever done to him, but give him work?

- John Stape again, for making Fiz wait all alone for her 20 week scan while he was out mitigating his old murder scheme.  

- What’s with Ciaran going on about how he and his team at the new bar are SUCH an attractive bunch.  What is that about?!

- Steve borrowing money from against his businesses to finance buying a child off of Kylie.  I can’t say how wrong that is, but he must really love Becky. 

- Poor little Max being bought and sold like cattle.  Although, it’s better he’s with Becky.  Well, maybe it’d be better with an entirely new family to adopt him.  Perhaps, the Windasses?


  1. The Garden Pixie6 November 2010 at 07:32

    I may have missed something here but why was Liz so put out about Kieran? I thought he was leaving anyway for the "top chef job" in Glasgow where he was going to keep an eye on Ryan? That suddenly seems to have gone by the wayside. The grinning Kieran is becoming very smug and full of himself. Keith's Duffy's acting really doesnt seem to improve and I find him pretty pointless, a tram victim I very much hope!

  2. How can you be glad Aunty Pam is back, she's horrible :O

  3. ciarans hot thats the only reason he is in corrie

  4. Pam, where have you been. You are a breath of fresh air and a joy to watch.

    When is Bill going to pop the question and when are you going to get really stuck into Kev again.

    Can't wait to see more of you. Go Team Pam as they say.

    Bout time we had a Team Pam page on Facebook!
