Saturday 6 November 2010

Eggy Thump: Thu Nov 4, 2010 Corrie Episode Review


Written by Mark Burt, directed by Dominic LeClerc

Chesney is still angry with Fiz and John for getting involved in his relationship.  Oh, teenage Chesney – everyone’s out to get him.  Fiz hopes that her dealings with Ches areNov-4-2010-Threat-Letter just good practice.  Later, John gets a text from Charlotte asking her to meet him in the back street.  They meet out back and Charlotte tells John that this is so dangerous for the both of them and that whoever is watching them, could be watching them right now.  Oh, yeah, cause said person is a NINJA.  John shows Charlotte a new letter that he’s received that says: “A lesson must be learnt before understanding dawns.”  What on earth?!  Charlotte screams out into the alley that she’s terrified and wants him to show himself.  These scenes are beginning to remind me of THIS movie.  John seems cool as a cucumber next to Charlotte’s blithering fool.  John says they Nov-4-2010-Sophie-Lingerie need to stick together and Charlotte embraces him. 

It’s the day of Baby Jack’s christening and Sophie’s birthday.  Of course, Kevin is a miserable swine for all of this.  Sophie gets a wad of cash for her birthday and wants to buy some nice boots.  Of course, Rosie buys Sophie some sexy underwear.  Do sisters buy that sort of thing for one another? Sophie is more excited to see Sian’s gift of a heart shaped necklace.  How sweet is that?  I’m not a fan of the heart-shaped necklace in general, but is there ever a more endearing gift?  Sian and Sophie are worried about being judged by their choir friends at her birthday party.  Nov-4-2010-christening-Kevin

Sally thinks about how she and Molly are so close now when before they didn’t even like each other.  Probably because they’ve got something in common: screwed over by the same man.  At the baptism, both Pam and Bill say to themselves how much of a sham this all is.  It’s a baby baptismal, the sham is Molly and Tyrone’s marriage.  Kevin is late, but handed the baby by Tyrone.  Could he look any more guilty doing this? 

Nov-4-2010-Claire-Jack At the reception later in the Rovers, Jack gets Claire to come by the Rovers and asks her to have a word with Ashley – for him.  No one can say no to Jack, so Claire speaks with him.  She says she will make no promises, however.  Ashley tells Claire he’s sorry but he was desperate.  Claire tells Ashley that he doesn’t get it – she’s moving to France with the boys.  She says he can’t stop her.  Only, he can.  You can’t just take his children out of the country without his permission.  Auntie Pam gives Kevin an earful about acting like a man at the reception.  Sally hands baby Jack to Kev when she goes to the loo.  Molly finds Kev holding baby Jack but not before Kev can steal his pacifier.  She takes him out of Kev’s arms and leaves.  Kev pockets the pacifier and we all know what he wants it for – and yes, it’s to help him sleep. 

Steve complains to Becky about how he has no bar staff and he’ll never have a life again.  When did he ever?!  Becky takes Max over to Roy’s and tells the Croppers that they’llNov-4-2010-Carla-Peter be taking care of Max since Kylie has abandoned him.  She lies and says that the adoption thing has no effect on this.  Hayley believes that this has all come full circle.  Roy isn’t happy that Kylie has abandoned her child but thinks he’ll be very good with Becky.  This seems to make Becky feel better about this entire ideal. 

Michelle tells Carla that she’d like that job if it’s still available.  The old sisters-in-law, once-enemies, now-friends will be the raven-haired duo to run Underworld.  Carla goes over to Peter’s and thanks him for her support since she’s got her life on track now.  Carla says that she’s got her life in gear, and asks him how he manages his cravings.  Carla says she breaks into song every time she gets a craving.  Leanne comes by and wonders what Carla’s doing.  Carla says she was just inviting her to lunch, but Ciaran has come by with some appetizer samples for the new bar. 


- When John opens his mail, “Any death threats?”  John: “What?!”  Fiz: “From Owen?” 

- Rosie to Kev: “Newsflash dad, your little girl is 16.  Sensible has left the building.”  I don’t think it ever entered.  Nov-4-2010-Kev-shirt-off

- The baby that plays Baby Jack makes such cute funny little faces!  He certainly could BE Tyrone’s baby!   

- Add Kevin Webster to our tally of “shirtless men doing the ironing” seen on Corrie! 

- Vicar: “Do you renounce the devil and all rebellion against God?'”  *John sat with a concerned look on his face*

- Sally thinking that Jason isn’t good enough for her Rosie and that no one is.  Gotta love that Sal. 

- Didn’t Auntie Pam look fantastic in her plum christening attire?

- Charlotte referring to her and John as “two frightened rats in the shadows.”  Indeed! 


- Rosie buying her sister sexy lingerie for her sixteenth birthday.  Why is this suddenly looking like a lingerie bridal shower?  Leave it to Rosie to make something inappropriate.

- It’s nice to see Becky being all motherly (even though it’s a tad overdone) to Max.  But, it begs the question – where on earth is little Amy?  That little girl is Weatherfield’s own answer to “Where’s Waldo?” 

- What’s with Dev Alahan videotaping Baby Jack’s christening?  Since when is his so close with the Dobbs?  And who’s minding the shop? 


  1. The Garden Pixie6 November 2010 at 07:28

    Yeah who was minding the shop and who was looking after the kids? And what was all that about with Div gargling his scotch in the Rovers? The character becomes more and more embarrasing in my opinion! But didnt they all scrub up well for the christening. So glad Auntie Pam is back and Bill has lost that moustach!!!

  2. Molly has worked for Dev in the shop for years so that's probably why he was recording it.

  3. Have to admit I thought the same thing re Dev. It wasn't that he was filming it that was strange, it was HOW he was filming it! You just saw him prancing around a bit creepily in the background!

  4. Maybe Sophie was minding the shop. Does she still work there part time? I just thought Dev was showing off with his camera but i suppose he could have been filming it as a gift for Molly too.
