Friday 5 November 2010

Coronation Street wins Stonewall Award

Coronation Street won a Stonewall Award last night for ‘Broadcast of the Year’.  Well done to Corrie!

From the Stonewall website:
Broadcast of the Year – Coronation Street. The Street gained its first and second lesbian characters with Sian and Sophie’s relationship this year, alongside Antony Cotton’s established centrepiece role as Sean Tully. Our judges said Corrie has proven to be ‘streets ahead with its lesbian and gay characters, depicted with the same wit, warmth and drama as all of Weatherfield’s cherished faces.’

All the winners are listed here at the Stonewall website and in the Pink News.


  1. This is spot on in my opinion. The dreadful Eastenders is still running storylines with major characters arguing being gay is totally unacceptable, almost like an abortion storyline where both sides of the argument have to be given.

    Sophie and Sian were pretty much instantly accepted, (with a little bit of private heartsearching from some characters), which is far more positive and in keeping with Britain today. This is just another area where Corrie is streets ahead (pun intended) of that London rubbish.

  2. Whilst I applaud the story line the two actresses are just awful sadly and want me to throw something at the tv. If you close your eyes you can't tell which is which

    I LOOOOOVE Sean - he's a scream!

  3. The Garden Pixie6 November 2010 at 12:35

    Beth, I so agree and am at a loss as to why Granada have extended Sian's contract? Bland and whiney, she does nothing but hug herself on the Websters sofa with a gormless expression.

  4. Yes, a deserved award and i agree about the lackluster acting from the girls. At first I kept putting it down to them being so young & not having life experience. But I'm getting bored with the lack of angst & emotion which certainly teens feel at that age. And they seem to mimic each others total lack of enunciation and low-voiced mumbling!
