Friday 5 November 2010

Blog vote: Do you want Corrie tram crash spoilers?

Please let us know how you feel about Coronation Street tram crash spoilers, it's important to know your views, thanks!  Please vote in the poll and also leave a comment.  Should we blog spoilers we find in the tabloid press and on other soaps websites? Should we ignore them? Should we just link to them without saying what's revealed, letting you decide whether to read the spoiler or not? All thoughts gratefully received.


  1. As long as it's not who dies

  2. that's what the spoilers will be

  3. If the vote goes to allow spoilers, could you at least make big Spoiler Alert, so those of us who don't want to see can skip past the posting? Thanks.

  4. I'm not even sure we would post spoilers unless the vote was overwhelming and even then, we will be very discreet about it as we don't want to get into any trouble with ITV

  5. I think abbyk's suggestion would be the best solution.

  6. I think you just shouldn't constantly feed the tabloids with the spoilers.

  7. Surely at this point, the media and ourselves don't know what spoilers that are being put out there are actually true? Producer Phil Collinson said months ago he'd be putting out false spoilers, so until December, we really don't know who's going to be dying. Remember all those rumours about Natasha dying? Yes, she attempted sucide, but as far as we know she's fine and well in pastures new.

    I agree with Abby - perhaps you could mention that there's another spoiler and link to it, or at least for those who want to read it, they have to click something? Then those who want to remain oblivious can completely avoid any hints until they see the episodes theirselves.

  8. I suggest, in consideration for your readers who are in other countries that cannot always view UK content and are months behind, you use "Spoiler Alert" and post links instead of the text itself. JMHO

  9. PS, thanks so much for asking, Flaming Nora!

  10. The Garden Pixie6 November 2010 at 07:37

    I dont want to see spoilers, I want to be shocked and surprised on the 9 December. I know they are difficult to avoid as they are all over the internet and papers/mags, but could you perhaps put them on a link so that those that want to see them can? One of the best soap stories was emmerdale when we never knew until the end whether Charlie was a con man and that is how it should be with ALL stories IMO.

  11. Yes please!!!!

    but if it is a major spoiler then at the top in capitals put...


    so those of us that want to skip it can :)

    k... thanks :D
