Monday 4 October 2010

Tracy Barlow returns on Christmas Eve

Coronation Street's producer, Phil Collinson, revealed to the Daily Star on Sunday that Tracy Barlow will return to the Street on Christmas Eve.

He said there's going to be a plot twist. Hmm... she was put away for 15 years for manslaughter, what kind of plot twist can there be?

Collinson told the paper: "Tracy will be back on Christmas Eve and, as you can imagine, she is the last person who everyone is expecting to see. Her family have no idea she's been let out, so they are completely shocked. But how she gets out of prison is something we want to keep a secret. I'm really excited about all the trouble she'll cause. She's always loved Steve McDonald and the fact that they have a child together means that they will always have a bond. It's going to be interesting to see how Becky copes. And then there's also the small matter of Gail. She was nearly jailed because of Tracy's false testimony, so there will be quite a bit going on between them. The Street will still be getting over the tram crash. And then Tracy's back - which will bring its own disaster for some of the characters."
I hate Tracy Barlow, me.


  1. so that means steve, becky and gail must survive the tram crash then!! hmm

  2. aww not looking forward to Tracy Barlow coming back she is too over the top. Plus it kind of a stupid storyline that she gets out of prison after only serving a couple of years of 15 year term for also means more of Steve and Becky and they are getting on my nerves!!!

  3. Ugh, I can't stand her either.

    If we were to get visit, why not someone we care about, not done and dusted Tracy. If she were in fake American TV jail, she would have had time added to her sentence for the false testimony instead of an early release. Oh well, another 'interesting' Barlow Christmas. Let's have a toast to dramatic license.

    There are lots of people who I wish would visit at the holidays, maybe even stay a while. Amber, Spider, Todd, Toyah, TED (!!!), 'surprise, I'm pregnant' Natasha.

  4. This story does NOT serve the viewers and it does NOT serve the show. It only serves the people who want Kate Ford back in the show for silly dramatic reasons.

    It's all rubbish and it's all very thick.

  5. I suppose they've done their focus groups with the brain dead readers of Heat and other similar tripe and decided to ignore reality and bring her back.

    I don't know anyone who wants this.

  6. I can't stand the character or the actress. I will probably turn off on nights she's on and just read the spoilers.I guess I wont be watching Corrie for most of Christmas!!

  7. This sounds like desperate stuff.

  8. Just what we don't want; two over-the-top-uninteresting characters (Tracy and Becky) taking over and getting the most scenes (face time) that we don't really care to watch

  9. My guess is Tracy is let out of prison because her kidney transplant is failing, and she is going to die.
    There is precedent with the Libyan plane bomber.

  10. Add me to the list of people who can't stand her. I would love to know how a person who was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 15 years could get out of jail in 2 or 3. True to life? Er, maybe yes!

  11. add meto that list

    i cant stand the actress or character-she cant act and the storyline is stupid-she would never be let out this early of a 15 year sentence-shes jsut terrible

    i wouldnt mind if she was good at it but sorry kate ford isnt

    sorry corrie big mistake there

  12. As a fan of a soap I accept that sometimes I have to suspend disbelief at times but I can think of no way that the producers can get Tracy out of jail with any sort of credibility. How long before someone is kidnapped by aliens?

  13. NO!!! I can't stand the character at all!

  14. I echo it all! Noooo to Tracy AND Kate Ford who plays her!


  15. I also cannot stand Tracy and I dont know what Phil Collinson is thinking. If he thinks a "troublemaker" will increase the viewing figures, then why not bring in a fresh character instead of the old grinning one? Ridiculous.

  16. It looks like I'm the only one looking forward to Tracie'e release then. Yes, she's not the best actress, and I know it's not entirely believable (heck, it's not even remotely believable!), but hopefully she'll be the one to finally stand up and give Becky a good wallop!. God knows she deserves one.

    I'd have thought the most obvious way for to be released would be for her to lodge an appeal based on new evidence (a previous lover of Charlie coming forward to testify, for instance). After all, despite getting 15 years or whatever it was, we all know that Charlie had it coming to him, so there were mitigating circumstances.

    And I for one can't wait to see Gail's face when she turns up - it'll look even more like a slapped backside than usual!

  17. Oh lord... an awful character and an even worse actress... not looking forward to her gurning and patented "I'm evil, me" grin. And yes, there is suspension of disbelief... and then there's just taking the piss. I won't stop watching, but I'll probably mentally tune out and check my e-mail/do the dishes/read the paper while her scenes are on...

  18. YES
    About time they got some decent bitch action back in this soap.
    All these people complaining about it, you dont know what you're talking about. Go watch Hollyoaks.
