Monday 4 October 2010

Coronation Street Weekly Update, October 4 2010

This week the update has spent its time on the bus. And so, without any further ado, here we go with this week's Coronation Street update.

To find out why the Corrie updates have been written for the internet since 1995, have a look here:

Gail begs for her job back at the medical centre but it’s already been given to someone else, someone with Deirdre’s glasses on and wearing Deirdre’s belted chain. Ok, yes, it’s Deirdre who’s temping in the role while Dr Matt gives Gail a dressing down and throws her out for breaking patient confidentiality. “I can fit you in a week on Tuesday at five to six, if that’s any good?” says Deirdre to Gail when she tells her she wants to speak to the doc. “And can I get you a nice cup of tea and a couple of Gypsy Creams?” she creams to the Doc. Oh go on, Deirdre, you’re in there, I can tell. How can any man refuse your Gypsy Creams?

At the factory, Trevor hits Nick after he calls him a moron, which seems fair enough. Then there’s bickering by the stitching between Carla and Trevor and he walks out, leaving her to her new love affair with a bottle of whisky she keeps in the bottom draw. Realising she might be starting with a drink problem, she takes herself to the Rita Tushingham Community Centre and walks into an AA meeting, bumping slap bang into Peter Barlow. “Sorry, wrong class” she says, excusing herself, “I was looking for Conversational Spanish”. Perhaps she was hoping they’d teach her how to say ‘dos cervezas por favor’.

Anyway, as Trevor swans off to Swansea, Carla whisks away the whisky and she’s in a bad state. Then young Nicky Tilsley me-laddo tells her he wants her to buy him out of the company as he needs his 40% share of the knicker factory to invest in his new bar at Turners Joinery. Nick’s news knocks Carla sick and she starts on the spirits again, slumping drunkenly into her car as she tries to drive off to see her bank manager. Peter Barlow spots her and stops her from driving off and killing herself or anyone else, gives her his number to call and offers a shoulder of support and a helping hand. Whether he’ll offer any other body parts remains to be seen but he lies to Leanne about his whereabouts and thereabouts when he rushes to Carla’s flat after she calls for his help.

Meanwhile, Sally struggles to come to term with Sophie’s sexuality although she defends Sophie and Sian’s relationship to the headmaster at school who threatens to chuck them out for running away. But it’s clear Sally’s still not at ease with her lesbian daughter. “If I could wave a magic wand and make you normal, I would.” Oh, that was nasty.

Over at Tina’s flat, she’s a bit tipsy after an emotional day spent at her dad’s grave. She ends up inviting David, who’s being friendly, into the flat and when he tries to kiss her, she pushes him away. But David doesn’t want to be pushed away and pushes himself back onto Tina. She’s scared and angry, unsure whether David intends to rape her. And there’s a flicker of something in David’s eyes when she snarls at him to get off her. Anyway, she throws him out and he tries to apologise the next day but only in that half-hearted nasty way that he has about him. Tina tells Rita and shows her the bruises on her arms caused by David when he pinned her to the sofa. Rita’s of the opinion she should call the police. I can only agree.

Now that big Jack’s moved back, baby Jack is left home alone when Molly and Tyrone have their first night out. They get as far as the Rovers before Molly insists on going back home, but she’s only worried because the baby’s been left with Sally and Kevin who’ve offered to babysit. Kevin wanders around the Webster house with baby Jack in his arms and tears in his eyes. And baby Jack’s got poo in his pants.

This week Ciaran announces he’s got a new job in Glasgow and Michelle’s pretending like she’s not bothered when really she is. Young Ryan starts getting in touch with his feminine side after he buys a ladies’ magazine from Rita in the Kabin for his mum. “I dunno why she reads it, it’s full of women’s problems,” he moans to Rita who tells him to think on, read and find out all he needs to know about cystitis. With Ciarian on the move up to Scotland, Ryan tells him the only reason he’s staying around Weatherfield is because he doesn’t want to leave his mum home alone. Ciaran convinces him to go to Glasgow with him, an idea which doesn’t fill Michelle with glee but she lets Ryan go, warning Ciaran not to think of himself as a father figure to her son. “I’m not,” he lied.

Elsewhere, Anna and Eddie give Gary a last meal of his favourite food before he heads to the Rovers for a heart to heart then spends the night with Izzy. And then it’s ta-ra as he goes off to war. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. I’ll say it again. War. Huh. Good god. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. As Anna and Eddie wave off Gary to war, they’re approved for adoption which is good news for them but upsets Becky and Steve when they find out.

And finally this week, it’s been a good week for Kirk. He plans to help Chesney become a man when he announces he wants to spend the night with Katy. In the Rovers, Kirk takes notes from Owen and Dev to pass back to Ches on the right way to woo a woman. When Owen finds out that Kirk’s taking notes to pass to Ches who wants to woo Owen’s youngest daughter, I don’t think he’s going to be best pleased, do you?

And that's just about that for this week.

Coronation Street writers this week were Julie Jones, John Kerr and Chris Fewtrell.

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at


  1. Did I imagine it or did Kirk refer to Chesney's brother?

  2. Did I imagine it or did Kirk refer to Chesney's brother?

  3. Sorry, double post :-(

  4. And so Ryan heads off to Glasgow with Ciaran.

    What's the betting that just like Ted, that's the last that will be mysteriously, seen, heard, or referred to, of Ryan - another of a long list of minor characters with a line through their name.

  5. Has anyone noticed that Michelle and I think Tina have the same white dressing gown?
