Tuesday 12 October 2010

If Eddie Windass grew a beard, would he look like Robert Plant?

Or, if Robert Plant shaved his off, would he look like Coronation Street's Eddie Windass?

I wonder if Robert Plant would ever consider doing a guest appearance on Corrie? Perhaps he could be Eddie's long-lost twin?

See more Corrie look-a-likes here.


  1. Can definitely see the resemblance.

  2. DeeDee Eckerslyke13 October 2010 at 12:26

    Never! Much as I love Eddie, he'll never ever ever be a golden god lol!

  3. You know, he's almost got it going on, doesnt' he? Only his "golden" is his baking rather than his voice!

  4. @Tvor - "almost"!! I think Robert Plant has a new album out at the moment, I heard an interview with him on the "wireless" while driving to work the other night, and that's what "inspired" me.
