Wednesday 13 October 2010

Coronation Street jewellry and trinklements go on sale

If a Coronation Street charm bracelet is up your Street then you might like this. If it's not, then you won't. But if it is, and you do, you can buy it here.  It's 'only' £99.96. Cripes.

There's also an official Corrie plate which needs less of a bank loan to pay for it at £79.96.

Mind you, have a look here for some truly fab trinklements from Corrie's Yana Lumb.


  1. Charm bracelet... um... only my opinion but... tacky. I'm not into plates either.

  2. I like the photos they've chosen for the plate, but I can't be forking out that amount!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's probably age... I used to love charm bracelets...back in grade one primary school. Now that I'm much more advanced in years, I just find these things more and more -- well...taudry or tacky. What's fine as toys and trinkets and souvenirs for children just strikes people my age as something quite different and the act of collecting and hoarding such things ... as a bit sad... :-(. Wearing earrings with the likeness of an Ena Sharples, a fictitious character or the face of a deceased actress just strikes me as mostly creepy... no disrespect intended -- I'm sure there are plenty of others who delight in collecting and perhaps trading on memorabillia and all the more power and perhaps profits to them. This is just the way I see it for meself -- I won't be buying...

  5. I can only agree. This is overpriced tat.

  6. Rather chavvy and very apt that Michelle's picture is on the ad!
