Sunday 22 August 2010

Vicky Entwistle looking forward to getting away from Janice

Vicky Entwistle, who plays Coronation Street's Janice Battersy, has given a long, exclusive interview with the News of the World. You can read it here.

There's also a short video interview on the site where Vicky says she's looking forward to getting away from Janice Battersby as too many fans confuse the on-screen character with Vicky's real life. Now, huge Corrie fan that I am, I've never understood anyone who could get characters and actors mixed up and confused. But there you go.


  1. Yeah but some of the actors are exactly like their alter egos and are just playing themselves. However I wish Vicky all the luck for future acting roles.

  2. THIS is the Janice I remember and have wondered about since then, couldn't 'figure' out why she was so super fit then, and then had reverted back to her former body type.
    Glad to read the interview with her, she sounds a lot nicer than "Janice", and I like her curly locks.
