Sunday 11 July 2010

Coronation Street weekly awards, July 5 - 9

How much trouble can booze cause? award: Wine star: Sean and Michelle up to mischief; Ken, Deirdre, Audrey and Lewis having the dinner party from hell.

I Need A Man award: Horny star: Julie! Dear heavens, she's drooling over almost anything in trousers these days! Runner up: Deirdre lusting after Lewis.

Hates to lose control of the situation award: Gold Star: Chris, Cheryl's husband
Silver Star: Mary.

He's Back, Beardless, and even More Gorgeous award: Gold Star: Too Tall Trev. Wow.

Suck Up award (In conjunction with an award for massively underestimating Carla): Gold Star: Nick. Carla's back so he's giving the workers a bonus and being nice but he's up against a formidable force so he's sucking in Leanne as well.
Silver star: Chris for promising Cheryl: "It won't happen again"

Fashion award of the week: Eileen's paper crown!

Lines of the Week:
Roy: "Enjoy yourself." Hayley: "I'm not sure that's on the itinerary."
Cheryl: "I probably deserved it." (Oh that makes my blood chill!)
Ken: "Food isn't important, Deirdre, conversation is!" (But when the shoe was on the other foot, Ken was changing the subject!)
Sean: "Fat men in lycra, Julie, if i want to see that I'll pop down to the YMCA!" Lewis to Deirdre: "You are a very naughty girl!" (And doesn't she love it!)
Sean about Natasha: "Do I detect a faint whiff of desperation in the breeze?" JaniceL "More like a stench!" (what have I been telling you all along?)
Trev (and Leanne) to Carla: "Play nice."
Carla: "There's nothing like loyalty. And this is nothing like it!"
Natasha: "I need to put me face on." David: "Borrow one of his (Nick's)"

A feast for my eyes! Ciaran!


  1. David Cameroon11 July 2010 at 10:12

    Dont like the bullying odious harridan that Mary has been turned into, she was an amusing quirky likeable character at first but as usual like many before her she has been turned into a unpleasant nutter. For goodness sake Hales tell her to sling her hook! Fed up to the back teeth of Cheryl and her 'problems'. Who cares? To think they sacrificed the fantastic Theresa and all she could have brought for this East enders style drivil.

  2. I agree - Teresa is a really huge loss and I'm not keen on Cheryl as yet. But the violent husband/boyfriend seems good, with those bulging eyes. I'm still a big fan of Mary though.

  3. I like Mary, actress is really good, but her behaviour is getting a bit too manic and I wonder how long she can go on before they take her away...
