Friday 21 May 2010

Incidental music in the Rovers tonight

Were you wondering what the music was tonight when Ken, Deirdre, Lewis and Audrey were in the Rovers, before David came barrelling in? (And yay, a return to Evil!David!) It was 'Devil's Spoke' by Laura Marling. She's an incredibly talented singer and is currently being loved on by Radio 2 and such as the like. She was on Jools Holland a couple of weeks back, too. I've liked her for a while and saw her in concert last month; she was great :)

The song that was playing was Devil's Spoke.

Photo copyright to me!

1 comment:

  1. I've been noticing the incidental music a lot more recently. One funny incident used recently was 'Glory Box' by Portishead being used in the strip club that Lloyd visits. I thought the idea of using a feminist song in there to be rather funny.

    They're also keen on using Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac in the Rovers, I swear I've heard it at least 3 times in the past month.
