Thursday 5 November 2009

Kevin Kennedy: "I've discussed Corrie return"

Kevin Kennedy, who played the wonderful Curly Watts, has said (again) that he's in talks to return to Coronation Street as Curly for Corrie's 50th anniversary next year.

He told the Evening Herald: "I have actually discussed it with them and I'm hoping it will happen next year. They're hoping to bring back a lot of old faces. But at the moment, who knows? I would be absolutely delighted to walk down those cobblestone streets again. I'm very proud of what I've done, there's over 20 years of work there and I think all of it is a good standard."

Responding to Kevin's comments, a Coronation Street spokesperson this afternoon told Digital Spy: "There are many, many plans for the 50th anniversary, but it's too early to finalise anything at this stage."

Let's hope we do see Curly back on the cobbles. He's the character fans would most like to see back on the Street - as voted for by the blog readers.


  1. I have to say that I for one do not wish to see his character return.

    I was a big fan of the early Curly Watts character when he first arrived in Weatherfield in the early 1980s but by the time he came to leave, he had become unstoryworthy and had long since out stayed his welcome.

    For once, it was a case of the producers actually getting it right when they decided to give the boot to an established and long serving actor in the programme.

    It's all too easy to be nostalgic about the corrie of yesteryear but the truth is that all programmes have to evolve and move on if they are to remain relevant. His was a character that was right for the times but which would now sadly not fit in with the Coronation Street of today which is largely unrecognisable from the programme he joined.

    There is no place for his character in the street today!

    It's interesting that with the exception of the odd appearance as the Child Catcher in Chitty the Musical, Kevin Kennedy has done very little post his Corrie career.

    Little wonder that he yearns to return to the role which MADE HIM so famous!

  2. I'd like to see him return as a single father as I really didn't like his wife.

  3. I couldn't disagree more with the first poster. There's a lot of fairly incomprehensible vitriol there.

    Kevin has been doing fairly well since leaving the Street... mostly in theatre and musical theatre.

    I'd like to see him back.

  4. It would be great to see Curly return, at least for a few episodes. He was a great corrie actor and i believe he has a lot to offer the street today.
