Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Corrie's Christmas storylines revealed

There's a couple of Christmas Coronation Street spoilers in the papers today and they sound really good.

The Sun says that there's going to be a pantomine on the cobbles with a production of Cinderella. Claire and Ashley Peacock end up playing the lead roles of Cinderella and Prince Charming. I wonder who'll play the ugly sisters... Lloyd and Steve would be great, wouldn't they?

And The Star reveals that Ken Barlow gets sacked from his new job as Santa for being too grumpy. It all sounds like good Chrimbo Corrie fun to this fan.


  1. I'm going for Janice and Kelly for the ugly stepsisters!

  2. Tvor! perfect choice! Although I like the Steve Lloyd pick as well!

    And Ken getting fired for being a grumpy Santa --I can just picture someone like him giving a kid a lecture on why there's no Santa, no reindeers, oh and as for the religious side to baby Jesus... blah, blah, blah...which cause the kids to go wahhhhhhh.....

  3. A bit of a rerun storyline though. Years ago it was Percy Sugden hollering at the kiddies for being greedy!

  4. Maybe Lloyd and Eddie as the ugly sisters!

    I wonder if the Molly-Kev-rumoured-pregnancy-storyline will rear it's ugly head around Christmas? There's always a good Christmas shocker.

  5. Hey Yoork,

    I think the Molly - Kev pregnancy thing will rear its ugly head and I also think other Corrie characters will be brought into it - DNA will also play a role! That would be interesting wouldn't it?
