Thursday 23 October 2008

New Coronation Street Treasures book

From the publishing company which brings you Coronation Street: The Saga (updated for 2008 by yours truly), is another update of a current Corrie book.

Carlton Publishing have updated Tim Randall's The Treasures of Coronation Street book and it's now in the shops just in time for Crimbo. I have to admit I was no fan of the original Treasures book as I felt it was way overpriced and once flicked through on the day of purchase, was put on a shelf and never read again.

However, the new Treasures book has been updated and reissued in a different format making it easier to handle, nicer to look at and therefore more fun to read. More importantly, it's half the price of the original book. Get your copy here.


  1. It looks quite nice but if you've already got the first one, would much of this one be redundant?

  2. It's debatable really. The original book was released in 2005 so there's only 3 years worth of an "update" to it. But for a Corrie fan who doesn't have the original book, I highly recommend it.
