Monday 20 October 2008

Coronation Street Weekly Update, October 20 2008

Before I start with the update this week, there’s a bit of housework I’d like to get sorted. Firstly, the weekly update cushions need plumping and I’m interviewing soon. To apply, please email pictures of cushions you have plumped. Secondly, the weekly updates mailing list on YahooGroups has hit the 3,000th member this week. It’s a milestone and I’m over the moon that the list still proves as popular as ever although the membership is still short of the 4,500 who were registered before the server (looked after voluntarily by Corrie fan Peter Flint) buckled under the strain and I had to start the membership all over again. And thirdly, the Coronation Street Weekly Updates are now on Facebook with their own groups page right here: And so, without any further ado, here we go with this week’s Coronation Street update.

It’s been murder week on Corrie this week, or as they say in Hart to Hart, it wuz moyder. Yes, pretty boy Connor met his maker on the tarmac when he was hit by a car on Tony’s stag do. At the same time as the drama unfolded, back at the Rovers a male stripper was putting a smile on Rita’s face with his full frontal frippery as the girls gathered to celebrate Carla’s hen night. Carla had a ‘Learner’ sign strung around her neck but I’d reckon there’s not many new tricks that one could be taught. On the stag and hen night, Carla realised she loved Liam, he realised he loved her and she was just on her way to tell him when Maria announced she had Liam’s bun in her oven. Carla knew that if it came to a choice between Liam’s child and her, she’d lose out so she pretended she didn’t love Liam after all, and had a few tears and a fag outside of the pub. Deirdre joined her, for the fag part, and asked Carla if everything was all right. “Nowt a bit o’lippy won’t sort out,” Carla replied. “Now that’s a motto to live your live by,” noted Deirdre.

Back in the Rovers, the stripper brought out his whipped cream. “Ooh, we have this on our apple crumble!” screamed Deirdre although I doubt Ken’s Cox’s Pippin was ever as big. The girls partied hard at the pub, Carla put a brave face on and the stags went hunting for some semi-naked tarts. They found them at the TT Bar but best man Liam had forgotten his wallet and so Tony demanded he go back to the last pub they were in to find it. Liam turned to walk back to the pub and that’s when a car screamed out of nowhere, straight for him and ran him over in a hit and run. As the stags gathered round Liam’s dead body on the ground, Maria turned up with her baby news only to find her husband, dead, but still nice and warm. She took Liam’s hand and pressed it to the baby bump with tears in her eyes. It was too much for the other lads to bear and they turned away as Maria told a dead Liam that he was going to be a dad. And later, just in case we were ever in any doubt that Tony Gordon had anything to do with the loss of Liam, we see him throwing Liam’s wallet into the canal and giving his henchman a wad of used notes. Liam’s parents fly in from Ireland and Maria’s are coming in from Cyprus for more tea and tears than they all know what to do with. It’s going to take more than a bit o’lippy to sort this one out.

Elsewhere, there were more tears when the police come to interview Kevin about Rosie’s disappearance. After they leave, Kev tells Sophie he’s failed as a father and despite his youngest daughter telling him he’s the best dad in the world, he reaches out in desperation for the whisky bottle while The Cars’ song, Drive put a lump in my throat and tears rolled down Kev’s face. Earlier that evening, he’d been treated to home made stew by Aunty Pam and after a few of her beers told the story of When Kevin Met Sally: he drove through a puddle in his van, splashed her and offered to clean up her boots. “And you’ve been licking them ever since,” noted Sophie, who was in tears herself this week too. She had to fess up to Sally and Kev that she was the one who sent the threatening “Sophie’s Next” postcard because she was sick of Rosie being the centre of their universe while she just orbited like a rusting satellite.

Meanwhile, we found out this week that Rosie’s being held captive by John in the attic of his gran’s house in the middle of a field. “I’m going to feed the cat,” he tells Fiz as he takes a bag full of stale bread to feed Rosie. “Where’s me HobNobs and Heat Magazine?” she yells at John when he turns up with the food, clearly their relationship not reaching Stockholm Syndrome just yet.

Up in the new flat at Victoria Court, Amber gets set for seducing Darryl. She tells Molly that she’s ready to go all the way which I guess means she wants to go to Rosamund Street, but what do I know? However, any hopes of a romantic night in are thwarted when David and Tina turn up to spoil their fun but that doesn’t stop the young couple going for another try on a much quieter night when Dev is out smooching Prem’s daughter Tara.

Tina started work in the Kabin this week which comes as a relief to Rita but Norris isn’t pleased, no. David joked about Tina’s new job, telling his girlfriend: “I can just see you in 40 years time, hair up in a beehive, dispensing sherbet crystals!” Ooh, we can only hope so, and then she can retire to The Lakes. Tina’s also noticed that Gail and her dad Joe have started getting cosy. Ted’s already in on the secret, of course. He knows everything, does Ted, he’s great.

And that’s just about that for this week.

Coronation Street writers this week were Jan McVerry, Simon Crowther (the man who killed off Liam Connor), Chris Fewtrell, David Lane and Mark Wadlow.

Blogging away merrily at

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