Saturday 3 August 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 2 August 2024

August already.  I know I sometimes have to face the inevitable and report events but tonight I was disgusted so I am going to ignore all subtlety and record the facts.  Joel gets a ne'er do well scrote to mug Lauren and steal her bag containing phone and keys.  Following the mugging she uses Max's phone to call a cab - hence revealing her location.  Joel then prepared some recuperative soup which he liberally laces with a drug intended (I think) to induce her labour.  He then locks her in the apartment (as he needs to get new keys cut) without a phone and abandons her to her fate.  Luckily Max and Bobby are concerned and Max decides to turn up outside the locked flat whilst Lauren writhes in pain.  We next see Lauren in a hospital bed with Max and a nurse both looking super concerned.  Later Dee Dee turns up with Joel at the hospital.  Max reveals that the 24 week baby (so tiny says Lauren) is receiving specialist care.

At 13 Coronation Street Debbie Webster is the official responsible adult (questionable) to attend Jack's interview at the cop shop.  DS Swain tries to get answers to her questions which revolve around the video evidence showing a person entering the reception whilst he was loitering around outside in a no doubt suspicious manner.  Given therefore that the evidence is against him he is to be charged with arson with intent to endanger life.  Can't see Adam getting him off that one in a hurry.  Adam is all for Jack pleading guilty to minimise the sentence.

Along at Underworld the underhanded overlockers get their comeuppance when Kirk takes the unlabelled box of "knock-off" T shirts to a customer and delivers them - much to their surprise.  Carla therefore receives a phone call asking why they have it and she is unable to explain.  Although when she came in early this morning she found Beth, Izzy and Betsy (LOH) also at work very early.  The penny drops and she wants answers (and is even harder than DS Swain).  Beth realises the game is up when Carla tells them she knows they are not stupid enough to use her hardware to make knock off T shirts.  Beth and Carla argue and in consequence Beth storms out of the office and her job, thinking she has another job - but without the T shirts no job either.  

Back across t'Street at Number 9 Fiz is looking at a holiday in Barmouth as a way of keeping Tyrone from falling under that trollope Alina again even though he does not know she is on her way back to town.  Ruby meanwhile has a blackhead and is therefore not on screen this evening.   Fiz later undertakes some deft marketing to Ty to convince him of the benefit of a holiday.  They fall to discussing Jack and his charge and unobserved and unheard Hope descends the stairs to hear them talk about matches, fire starting, Hope's history and that Jack is not a bad lad.  Is there more to this than meets the eye?

Paul continues his campaign to donate his corneas (the MND association say that this is not possible) - which continues to discombobulate Bernie.  In the precinct Alya confirms to Summer as they head out for the day  that Paul cannot donate - they have to find a way of telling him.  The girls later confirm that whilst they cannot go to another person his organs might be used by MND Research and he is prepared to settle for that.  Bernie is not yet ready to face his absence and that is why she wants the talk about his demise to be at the root of every conversation.  Bernie talks and Paul admits he was ready to go and changed his mind.  She also grasps that he wants to leave a legacy when he does go.  They are reconciled.  She flushes the tablets which had been stored.

I am wondering if Hope helped Jack set the fire - but the videos DS Swain talked about made no reference to him being with someone else - and neither did she say that the video recording showed who set the car alight - if they had that video evidence then it would be cut and dried.  I am not sure Paul wanted Bernie to flush the tablets - does that mean he can no longer get Billy to help him?  And Beth has drifted into shit creek without a paddle.  Given the length of time since she was given a positive story this is hardly a surprise.

Written by Emily Gascoyne and Ella Greenhill.  Directed by Becky Wild.



  1. I found myself reading the paper and barely watching yesterday. Plain boredom. I suppose we'll have a scene where Joel sneaks into the baby unit and tries to dislodge the breathing equipment. Seems so easy to get wherever you want in that hospital. He might get caught on CCTV. I thought Lisa George had left Corrie, or is on the way to leaving, so this could be Beth's exit story. Are we going to see big changes with the new producer? We had a scene in the Rovers between Audrey and Rita, planning one last hurrah of a foreign holiday. We know what happens when people go on trips beyond Weatherford. Will either of them come back?

  2. Just call it Crime Street and have done with it. We had Jack admitting to arson. We had Joel and his murderous plot and Lauren being mugged. We had Beth and co making counterfeit goods. We had mention of Alina who was the victim of human trafficking. Even one of the scenes with Paul involved illegally gained drugs.
    Where was the humour? Where was the light and shade?

  3. Brett Thomson-Hunter4 August 2024 at 10:06

    If Billy finds out Bernie has disposed of Paul's medication down the sink, he will have her guts for garters.

    1. Disposing of medication down the sink is a really bad idea, it pollutes waterways and poisons the fish. It can also end up back in the water supply. Very socially irresponsible of Corrie to show this!

    2. Brett Thomson-Hunter6 August 2024 at 09:31

      It certainly is. Also, Bernie said she was going to flog Paul's pills to make a few quid. If she was to do that, she would be getting done for drug dealing. Has she not thought about that?

      Also, does Bernie know that her daughter used to be a drug dealer and got Sarah's teenage daughter Bethany to smoke cannabis as well?

  4. Paul did seem to say that he'd let nature take its course, so does he still need the drugs? But Bernie had no right to flush them.
    Good trick with Max's taxi app, but when will someone realise it's Joel's flat? The door will need repairing.
    Hospital security is so lax, but no way will that baby die. Hopefully Joel will be caught in the act of trying to disconnect the breathing apparatus.
    Good riddance to Beth. Kirk is too good for her. He may be dim, but he has a good heart.

  5. Sharon boothroyd4 August 2024 at 12:50

    Why has Lauren got a room of her own in the hospital? Many Corrie residents do
    (I think the last one was Ken).
    In reality, there'd be placed on the ward.
    In fact, in reality, you'd be waiting hours for an ambulance, then turfed out onto a trolley and then left unattended in the corridor for hours on end.
    I can't see the producers (in this plot) allowing Joel access to the baby unit and loosening breathing tubes when there's been a recent, high profile case about this.
    It was nice to see Adam but where is he living?
    Why hasn't Daniel re-met Lauren? He did teach her, after all.
    I've noticed that Kevin and Billy have very deep tans. Billy must have managed to book a holiday abroad alone, while looking after Paul!
    What's happened to Evelyn and Cassie and why hasn't Aadi expressed his concerns towards Amy about The Institute?
    There's rumours that Deidre is going to appear as an AI image on a laptop screen and that Bethany, for no reason whatsoever, is going to develop an anxiety about her looks, and so goes abroad for cosmetic surgery.
    Who's paying for it? I guess Daniel is. She doesn't work.
    Sarah won't be single for long. I reckon she'll team up with bad boy Kit.
    I wonder if they're writing Izzy out, because no doubt she'll be sacked once her involvement in this dodgy t- shirts scheme is uncovered.

    1. It's been stated on here before that characters are having less screen time due to financial cutbacks, so if Daniel isn't due on screen for a while, then he won't just appear to say hi to Lauren.
      I'm sure due to Lauren's situation, she wouldn't be left to go in to labour with a premature baby on a hospital trolley. Evelyn was on screen a couple of weeks ago when Roy was in hospital. Nothing has to happen to the characters because they are not appearing on screen

  6. I wonder how come Fiz has money for a holiday but despite living next door to her brother,never offered fiancial help?
    I also doubt that Fiz has anything to worry about as far as Alina is concerned .

    1. Brett Thomson-Hunter6 August 2024 at 09:22

      If so, why hasn't she?

  7. If Alina did give birth to Tyrone's baby (doubtless a boy to replace Jack), would she bring a toddler with her for the trial? Who would look after it while she was in court? Surely she'd leave it in Romania with her family. And does she have to come all this way? Can't she give video evidence?

  8. Sharon boothroyd5 August 2024 at 15:19

    That's a good point, anon. You'd think she'd want to help Chesney, Gemma and the kids rather than splash out on an expensive holiday.
    She could have at least offered a couple of month's rent and a deposit on a new rented place for them.

    1. I don't think it's a case of wanting to splash out on an expensive holiday. I think it's a case of trying to avoid Alina for the duration of the trial

    2. Brett Thomson-Hunter6 August 2024 at 12:41

      If so, why hasn't she done that?

  9. Brett Thomson-Hunter5 August 2024 at 16:40

    It's a bit late for Bernie to show her concern for Paul now considering she was absent for most of his life, not to mention failing to protect her son from her late boyfriend Kel who sexually abused him when he was 14 years old.
