Tuesday 16 July 2024

Coronation Street Epsiode Review Monday 15th July


Brian Blessed voice: "Lauren's alive!" Not that you'd know it as she's not in this episode. Roy, who is having fun playing with the riser on his hospital bed, eventually convinces Nina and Evelyn that it was Lauren who visited him last night and not Lady Morphia. Nina is as mad as hell that Lauren let Roy rot in jail as well as his harassment by all and sundry of M10, but then again if you had Poundshop Patrick Bateman on your trail, a mere thing like your former employer being in chokey probably wouldn't be your top priority. One thing that should be Roy's top priority when he's been discharged from Kate Oates Memorial is to shave that awful beard.


Talking of Roy's tormentors, Carla foolishly drives her very fancy looking car down to the precinct (where I'd've thought it would be removed of its hub-cabs within seconds) and after a minor fracas with the BMX Bandit bullies accidentally (maybe deliberately?) knocks one of them off of his bike and then flees the scene. She does have form with this kind of thing. Betsy, who still wants a summer job and has gone AWOL from the factory at the time, blackmails Carla into giving her a trial. Her ambition is poor to say the least, she could've stung Carla for, say, £10K rather than a minimum wage temporary job. I do hope the two of them get along better when/if Carla becomes her step-mama.


Another couple doing dogy deals are Kit and poor Craigy, who is well out of his depth. After pumping Kirkeh for information, Kit decides a better ploy would be to get Craig drunk and gets him to 'fess up about covering up Fay(e) and Emma's crime back in 2022. Not sure what Kit's end game is here (to have some mutually assured destruction re: getting Mr Shoe Shop to drop the charges against Gemma?) but I'm enjoying it, and it makes a change for him to have a feud with someone other than his poor old mam.


D.S. Bethany is on the case of The Mysterious Hooded Woman and her stolen credit card. Unfortunately, she and Deedee are just feeding info to a twitchy Joel. He dons his Richard Hillman gloves and, twirling a crowbar, breaks into Victoria Court to find out what Bethany has found out. There's no CCTV in the foyer of the flats? Next thing you'll be telling me they haven't removed the cladding either.

I have to say I much prefer the actor playing a charming psychopath rather than Deedee's sappy boyfriend and am looking forward to it playing out. Much like the Stephen Reid storyline, it's bringing in a lot of characters in different ways into the story. Saying that, we haven't seen much of Bobby recently - wouldn't someone have told him that Lauren's alive and kicking (and scratching?) Although probably don't tell him that his missing person posters were a waste of time, considering the Craig-a-like nurse didn't recognise Lauren when she was in the hospital.


Finally, Leanne has almost got Amy on the hook - Ms Barlow-McDonald is thinking about investing Gramma Deirdre's money into the Institute - when Leanne shows her Creepy AI Oliver, at which point Amy, not unreasonably, scrams. Leanne's too busy with this to go with Toyah to the hospital for her scan, so Nick accompanies his sister in law. Just need to point out that you can't go in the room with someone when they're having a scan, there's no room and you'd just get in the way.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter.


  1. Awww PC Twinky has a crush on the Son of Bernie (he really does have some Bernie genes after all).
    I thought that Joel was going to have silence Sarah with the Crowbar...reminiscent of Richard Hillman again...and then with the gloves also, right.
    Carla is over a Barrell....what was she thinking?? Bobby has done some stupid things but this was just a bit too much for the likes of Carla Conner. "I panicked and drove off" is not an acceptable excuse ma'am.
    Hmmmmm Daisy and Kit?? See ya Ryan...we hardly ever see him anymore...are he and Daisy still friends?

  2. Sharon Boothroyd18 July 2024 at 13:59

    What's happened to Bobby? I recall he was moving out to his grandma's but we don't know if he's returning or not.
    I think the Corrie team thought he'd be a fantastic asset but viewers could see that jack carrol was just playing himself.
    Clearly when Joel's time is up, kit will become the resident baddie.
    I'd be pleased to see the back of Craig but I'll be sad to see Beth go.
