Tuesday 2 July 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 1st July

Always a treat to review a Damon/Jonathan double header, the holy grail of Corrie eps.

Steve has decided to treat himself to a birthday bath (hopefully not a euphemism) whilst Ken tries to rustle up some birthday guests for a "surprise" birthday do. He only manages to get Rita and Brian, both of whom complain about the "party". You'd think Rita'd be happy with the free booze and Brian with the free anything. Steve discovers Tim is at Weathy County (a re-dressed Chariot Square set) for the unveiling of the Orpington bust, so he and Cassie decide to Thelma and Louise it and get their revenge by replacing the statuette with a Castaway-style football with a face scrawled on it. Later, as Tim and Sally go upstairs for a bit of afternoon delight (Sally's fascinator must've made Tim think they were attending a wedding) they find Tommy's head in their bed. Steve and Cassie are the mob!

Amy is already depressed that Tracy hasn't accompanied Tommy to the unveiling, more so when her mum messages to tell her daughter that she wants her to run the florists. Mary's right there, Tracy! She "uploads" to Leanne, who is Level 5 now, she has to start recruiting and she gets Amy to watch an Institute video, which impresses young Ms Barlow. Even Toyah's impromptu counselling doesn't put her off.

Meanwhile, Bernie has agreed to meet with Kit in the pub and they will tell Paul and Gemma together that he is their half-brother. Kit has set Bernie up though, he goes straight to Paul and Billy's flat and spills the beans, acting like he's concerned for Bernie, who cooks her goose by throwing a remote control at him. What a rotter! I like him though, he's a good mix of caring, sneaky and vengeful. Obvs he will become a member of the extended Winter-Brown-Foreman-Mayhew family eventually, and I reckon he might be the one to buy Gemma and Ches's house and rent it back to them.

Talking of houses, George agrees to give his to Glenda, although he didn't really have much choice given that Glenda has changed the locks, moved in and dumped all his stuff at Eileen's. Mary says she doesn't like the portrait of Archie looking at her in the morning as if she wouldn't have been chasing Roy Hudd around the coffins if they'd been in the soap at the same time. Anyway, this doesn't have the desired effect (Michael and Glenda getting back together) but give it 'til Friday, assuming there's an episode then.

Finally, Deedee asks Joel to move in with her, separate bedrooms of course (they can't live at his because of the teenagers chained to various radiators). This means Adam has to move out. I hear there's an undertaker's house in Oakhill going begging?

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

Glenda Young
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  1. Maggie Muggins3 July 2024 at 09:24

    Was it Gemma who make the shoutout to Lyse Doucet (our Canada's gift to BBC news), when she said Bernie was no Lyse Doucet, who can be diplomatic & calm in the most heated situation? I found it kind of 'high-brow' for Gemma, but it worked!

  2. I love Cassie and Steve together! It's the first time that I've actually found her to be likeable...and SteveO loves a bad girl!
