Tuesday 4 June 2024

The Women Behind Weatherfield - Alex Hatzar, Costume Design

Tell us a bit about your role, what’s a standard day like for you?

There's no standard day for me and I think that's why I love the job so much! I like to be in early so I see the teams before they all go onto set for the day filming and then my day can either involve reading copious amounts of scripts, meetings to discuss upcoming storylines, out shopping for costumes for new characters/updating old ones or doing fittings on the actors and creating their looks.

How did you get started in the industry?

I qualified in Textile Design and couldn't get a job as a textile designer as it was catch 22, needed experience but couldn't get any work! My cousin's friend was a 1st AD and asked if I wanted to go and do work experience with her for a week on a drama she was doing. I was a runner for two days and she knew my heart wasn't in it and asked what department I'd be interested in, I told her Costume and the rest is history! So I fell upon it by being in the right place at the right time as it wasn’t something I'd ever considered. Although apparently I once asked my mum when watching Corrie how they keep track of everything and she told me all about continuity so maybe subconsciously it was always in the back of my mind.

How long have you been at Coronation Street and what is it that keeps you here?

Twenty-one years this year and it's absolutely flown by, I don't even feel old enough to have worked for twenty-one years! I think probably the people & the camaraderie.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Coronation Street?

I love being able to be creative in my job and bring new characters to life, from my first initial thoughts and ideas when reading a script to seeing them on screen. No two days are the same and the way we all pull together as a team to help each other, whoever they are and whatever their department. And of course the fact I can have fun while I'm doing it all!

What does it mean to you as a woman to be working in the industry and seeing so many other women in high profile roles?

It means a lot, especially in what is still quite a male dominated industry and I never take it for granted. I feel proud especially as the other women are women I've worked with for years and grown up with really, we've all worked our way up together which just goes to show what a team we all are!

Glenda Young
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