Tuesday 11 June 2024

Claire Sweeney interview: Cassie takes job caring for Ken

How is Cassie feeling about the whole deep fake video situation and why did she get involved?

I think she feels disappointed with her personal life. That is the reason for her being mean to Abby, it's just jealousy, a single white female. She's not necessarily into Kevin, but she just wants that security of being loved. And she loves a bit of drama. She did possibly think there was something going on between Abi and Dean and she stuck her oar in and it led to her losing her job.
She seems to be someone who likes to be busy. How is she coping without the job? 

She's in no man's land really, her mother doesn't really want her at the Dobbs. That's all a bit precarious at the moment. She lost her job and for someone with an addiction, a former addict having nothing to do is the worst place to be in, she can't risk having time on her hands.  She tried to get the job on the switch at streetcars and Steve just dismissed it. She is upset about that, as one minute he is flirting with her at the speed dating night and then he is saying she is trouble and can’t work on the switch.

How does the job looking after Ken come about?

She is in the Rovers and she hears them talking in the next booth about needing to get someone in to look after Ken and how much it is going to cost. Her ears prick up, she spent a lot of time looking after her ex and she thinks ‘how hard can it be?’. She never claims to be a qualified carer but they don’t tell Ken that, they let him believe that she is. He thinks she has had all the checks and he believes she has told them that but the fact is they just let him believe that.

She finds herself sacked by Ken how does she manage to win him round?

Ken obviously isn't really liking the idea that he needs care. There is a lovely scene with him where she says, look, you know, sometimes you've got to allow yourself to be helped. People don't want help sometimes, but it's a kindness to let someone help you because it makes them feel good. And it works for you as well. Also he has to think about his family too and this helps them. She tells him that she never claimed to be a qualified carer, she told Steve and Amy the truth that she cared for her ex. Once Ken realises this he is more open to the idea.

Once this is all sorted they seem to strike up quite a friendship, tell us about that.

She tells him she understands if he would prefer him to go but he says ‘no stay and we will go for some lunch’. Over lunch they laugh together and you can see that they are good company for each other. You will see them playing cards together and having lots of banter, it is a while since Ken has really laughed like that. She has kind of put a little spring in his step. And suddenly she feels useful and appreciated.  So it's worked for both of them. There is no father figure in her life either. And hasn't been for some time so that is another thing for her that really gives her a purpose and a genuine friendship with Ken. 

Some people may think she has an ulterior motive because of other things she has done in the past, is that the case?

No, she's just genuinely enjoying helping and then she's also kind of enjoying the banter with Steve. That comes into play as well. Simon and I were talking about it and they are like young kids in the playground, when the boy you fancy comes up and annoys you and runs away, that;s what it is, it's as basic as that. Classic rom com stuff and it will be interesting to see that develop. For a gag to wind her up he even tells her she has to cut Ken’s toenails!

Would you like something to develop between Cassie and Steve?

Yes I would. We saw the spark between them at the speed dating and it didn’t get off the ground. But they are good for each other. They are similar ages so they like the same things. Even in real life Simon and I sit and chat so much because we like the same movies and know all the same songs, there is something of a familiarity and coming from the same era.

What's it been like for you going from working with one classic Corrie  family, the Dobbs and Maureen to now working with more soap royalty, the Barlows?

 I mean, I have to say I was very nervous. I've been in the show for a year now and I've got used to that family and group of actors. I was very comfortable with Maureen, Alan and Jennie and suddenly I went into the Barlow’s. There was a classic moment for me, I had to do a birthday party scene for Steve with Rita and Ken. I'm a fan of the show and  suddenly I was doing a scene with these two legendary actors. As I've got older, I've had great moments in my life, in my career, but sometimes I've just not stopped and appreciated them. I've been just working and looking ahead and that day in the Barlows I stopped and appreciated that moment and when I left the set I gave myself a couple of pinches

There was another scene where I had to put Deirdre's glasses on and they were the original glasses. Cassie didn't realise the significance and she's playing with them but as Claire, I held these glasses and they like a little piece of history, it was a real moment for me"

What's it like working with Bill?
Incredible, I feel so honoured, I have only been here a year and I am so lucky to have this storyline. We did a scene together on his 92nd birthday. He has this shine in his eyes and he never drops a line. He is so great. I'm thinking if I can just hang out with him and get a little bit of that elixir or whatever his secret is.  I'm fascinated by him and I love talking to him. I have been a longtime fan of the show and I love all the history of Corrie as well. I have been asking him questions about the rehearsals in the old days. What would the women wear? Was there a hierarchy? What was the pecking order? And I get them to tell me all these amazing stories. He's fascinating. And then what's amazing when they say action, I just see this complete calm, come over him. And everything's easy and slow and laid back and he just really is brilliant. 

Glenda Young
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1 comment:

  1. Cassie is a nasty piece of work. Seems to think the world owes her a living. She never properly apologised to Abi for claiming the videos weren't fake and was still having a dig in the pub. She was pretty rude to Steve too considering she was asking for a job. I really don't want her getting her clutches into Ken. He SHOULD be intelligent enough to see through her. But Lord knows what the writers will come up with.
