Friday 24 May 2024

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Friday 24th May 2024

Friday 24th May 2024

ABI TARGETS DEAN Abi’s horrified to see that the sex video has been uploaded to other websites. Cassie lets slip to Kevin how she saw Abi arguing with Dean the drug dealer shortly before the sex video was released and then overheard her arranging to meet him to hand over cash. Abi meets Dean and brandishing a wrench, accuses him of making the sex tape. Dean insists he has no idea what she’s talking about but a furious Abi doesn’t believe him. Kevin arrives and orders Abi to drop the wrench. As Dean is taken in for police questioning, Abi learns four more videos have been uploaded. But as she studies the footage Abi realises it’s not actually her, they’re all deep fakes! 

GRIFF BUMPS INTO ROY Evelyn suggests to Roy they start a book club while he’s in prison. Roy’s pleased to have something to look forward to. Meanwhile Griff tells the guard it’s good to be back in Weatherfield nick! 

A PHOTO LEAVES CARLA FEELING SEASICK Carla admits to Sarah that she misses Peter but when Simon shows her  some pictures, Carla’s thrown to see one showing Peter with his arm around a woman.

ELSEWHERE Daniel takes a call from the STC to inform him that his ban has been lifted and he can return to work. Overhearing and aware Bethany’s having a hard time, Daisy calls at the flat with a bottle. Gemma tells Bernie that they need to get the house looking shipshape as Joseph is bringing his posh school friends round. But when Linda reveals she’s booked a table at the bistro to save her the stress, Gemma’s hurt. 

Glenda Young
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  1. Why can’t Gemma just be grateful to Linda just once?

    1. Brett Thomson-Hunter25 May 2024 at 17:43

      I don't know what Gemma's problem seems to be. Does anybody else know?

  2. Gemma can't be grateful because she feels less than...not good enough, looked down upon. Whether this is true or not, it is probably how she feels.
    Some people feel that the world is for the haves and the have nots...Gemma feels like a have not, destined for the scraps.

  3. Gemma was OK in the end, when she knew it was Joseph's idea. It's Bernie's attitude that annoys me, considering how she neglected her own children for years. The writers seem to hsve forgotten that when she first arrived neither Gemma nor Paul wanted anything to do with her because they'd more or less brought themselves up. Plus Bernie hadn't noticed that her boyfriend was abusing Paul.

    1. Brett Thomson-Hunter26 May 2024 at 13:00

      That would essentially make Bernie a hypocrite.
