Wednesday 15 May 2024

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Wednesday 15th May 2024

Wednesday 15th May 2024

SOMEONE’S OUT TO GET NATHAN Bethany quizzes Craig about Nathan’s alibi. When Craig lets slip that Nathan was with his girlfriend and she works at a nail bar in town, Bethany points out that he was running a tanning salon when he groomed her. Sarah confides in Gary that she’s worried about Bethany as she’s become fixated on trying to pin Lauren’s murder on Nathan. As Daniel and Bethany head out, they’re shocked to be confronted by Nathan, who rails at Bethany for harassing his girlfriend. In the Rovers, David, Sarah and Gary discuss Nathan and agree that something has to be done before he ruins Bethany’s life all over again. On the building site, Nathan’s packing up as a hooded figure approaches and strikes him over the head. Nathan collapses unconscious. 

TOYAH DIGS INTO ROWAN’S PAST Leanne explains to Simon that she met a guy called Jared at the Institute who’d be happy to help him set up his food delivery app. Toyah listens in. When Simon reveals that Jared’s agreed to meet him and he’ll need to borrow some money, Leanne’s delighted, but Toyah reckons it’s another scam. Toyah studies Rowan’s page and copies a number into her phone. Toyah meets with Rowan’s ex, Una and explains how her sister has become embroiled in the Institute and she’s worried she might be in danger. Will she get the confirmation she’s been fearing? 

BERNIE FEARS SHE’LL NEVER FIND HER SON Bernie tells Dev that there’s one more Christopher Green on her list and she’s going to pay him a visit. But when she discovers he died of cancer, Bernie knocks back the drink, fearing she’s missed the chance to find her son. 

ELSEWHERE A downcast Kevin admits to Debbie that work has dried up at the garage. Steve shows Tim some pics from Tracy’s socials of her paragliding over the Med with Tommy. Tim feels sorry for his mate. 

Glenda Young
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  1. Maggie Muggins15 May 2024 at 13:54

    Why is the entire Corrie-sphere just assuming that Lauren is dead? She hasn't been missing for years, just a few months.

  2. I know, DS Ponytail is going to look so stupid when they find her chained up in Joel's cellar dungeon...

  3. Exactly. It's never been made clear what belongings were in the flat: phone, bag, favourite clothes? I am convinced she's moved far enough away to not see Weatherfield news, and will eventually turn up. Even though she fell out with her mother, she might have gone there first. But I suppose her mother would have told the police rather than leave Roy in jail. We only saw the fake mother.

  4. Did they ever analyse the blood stains in Lauren's flat to test against Lauren's DNA on her belongings? Roy didn't deep cleanse the whole flat including hairbrushes, towels etc. I'm guessing there were three people in the flat: Lauren; one person trying to protect her; another person trying to harm her. The blood belongs to either one or both of the two people who were fighting.

  5. We viewers are all better detectives than DS Ponytail. LOL

  6. Hahaha Fluttershy! Hilarious comment....yeah, we don't actually know that Lauren is dead and I suspect that she isn't, that she has been trafficked...or someone from her online porn videos has her...shoddy policework

  7. Or she's been kidnapped/killed by members of the right-wing group to stop her telling her story to Bethany.

  8. @anon 14;53

    I think you're right... Griff is back.
