Thursday 30 May 2024

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Thursday 30 May 2024

Thursday 30th May 2024


Pulling out a weapon, Griff demands Roy tell him what he did with Lauren’s body.  Sarah asks Kit what they found in Nathan’s van. When Kit reveals it’s one of Lauren’s hairs and suggests she must have dropped it, he promises to keep her name out of it. With Joel present, DS Swain and Kit set about interviewing Nathan.

Sarah confides in Bethany and Daniel how she planned to set Nathan up and now he’s been arrested. Daniel’s incensed. When DS Swain reveals that the girl who provided him with an alibi for the night of Lauren’s disappearance has changed her mind, Nathan’s rattled.  

As DS Swain questions him about his penchant for young girls and suggests he murdered Lauren, Nathan refuses to comment. Dee-dee’s furious when Joel reveals that he’s representing Nathan. Daniel assures Bethany he would never grass up Sarah and his only hope is that Nathan really is guilty, because if not, the real murderer will walk free.

With Roy refusing to confess to murder, Griff holds the makeshift knife to his throat and orders Roy to say his last words.

We discover who really killed Lauren!

Glenda Young
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  1. It better not be Nathan. Nathan wasn't even in the show at the same time as Lauren. It breaks all the rules of narrative for the murderer to be someone not previously seen. If Lauren is not alive and well and in Joel's torture dungeon I will be disappointed.

    Am I the only person who sees a spark between Sarah and Nathan? She does go for bad boys, after all, and it would push her relationship with Beffanee to the limit.

  2. Somehow I don't think Sarah would be so low as to have a relationship with Nathan a sexual predator.It's more likely that Sarah would be interested in Kit after he helped her frame Nathan.
    I always believe that Bobby is the culprit behind Lauren's disappeanence\death.From day one,he was quick to accuse Roy and then Daniel while keeping suspicion away from himself as Bobby was obsessed with Lauren.
    If Roy is killed before the truth comes out then I am done with Corrie.

  3. Sorry, but Bobby is an absurd suggestion. How could he, given his physical challenges, have possibly got the body out of the flat and disposed of it?

  4. Did Kit help Sarah frame Nathan? I thought disks/ whatever were genuine find.

  5. I doubt they'd dare kill off Roy. Roscoe and/ or that nice warder will come to the rescue.

  6. Sharon Boothroyd30 May 2024 at 22:40

    Oh it's who I thought it was right at the start! No spoilers but with rowan and the cult, I got sidetracked.
    They won't kill Roy off, they are not that daft. I think that tomorrow's
    episode will wrap up the story and we find out if Lauren is dead or alive.

  7. I do think if she's dead, they they would have found her body somewhere that cast further suspicion on Roy.
