Monday 20 May 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 20th May


Abi finds out about Corey's prison football team from Kev without too much more subterfuge. Abi and Nina visit Deedee (who should be working on Roy's case, not giving out free advice to all and sundry) re: the documentary about Corey's football career but she says it's not illegal to make a documentary, which I could've told 'em without the 7 years legal training. They storm the production office, who then complain to the police. Abi has a meltdown but Craig manages not to be an eejit for a change and doesn't nick her. The Weatherfield Gazette turn up wanting to do an interview to do Abi's side of the story and she records a live interview, which is to go unedited onto the Gazette's website. What could possibly go wrong?


Leanne's involvement with the Institute and Simon's misdemeanours are actually all about Nick who can't deal with his stepson without Leanne. I'm starting to think she went off to audit or upload or whatever it is just to get away from her self-involved partner, annoying son, self-righteous sister and infuriating customers at the Bistro. Anyway, Rowan hears about Simon's booze-fuelled afternoon and spies an opportunity to brainwash another recruit.


Bernie's never before mentioned car doesn't have a current MOT so it's towed and she has to pay three hundred smackeroonies to get it back. At the cop-shop, she bumps into Zodiac/Chris/Kit and - coincidentally - it's his 31st birthday, the same as Bernie's son. They talk and he admits he lied to her, but he tells her he wants nothing more to do with her. I think Bernie's long lost son being a plod might have been a plot point some time ago when she was a crim but she's a reformed character now (well apart from the laptops thing). I presume Kit's dad was seven foot tall, given that Bernie's other two kids are titchy.

Steve wants another chance to romance Demi. I'm pleased about this as I already love Demi, she reminds me of Yana Lumb. They meet up, but unfortunately, he still bangs on about Tracy and Demi says it's over! Nooooooooo!


And finally, Gary lies to Maria about the £10K he gave to Sarah/Nathan, telling her that the factory needed a new boiler. Maria questions Sarah about this, and David works out sommat's up and wheedles the truth out of his sister.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter


  1. My thoughts too about Bernie's car. How can she afford one and why does she need it, as her whole life is on the Street? Nice comment about Kit's height too. The casting directors are rubbish - there are no family resemblances except for Bethany and Sarah, and Chesney's ginger quads.

  2. Wow!So not only is Gary willing to let Daniel take the blame for Nathan's assault,he's now helping Sarah pay Nathan off and lie to his wife Maria about it?!
    Maybe Sarah and Gary do belong together as they both don't have any morals at all!

  3. Not to mention there's no guarantee that morally bankrupt Nathan will actually leave! They can hardly report him to the police.
