Monday 13 May 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 13th May


So the other week, we found out that Toyah had had a secret, stillborn baby; this week, we have another ret-conned child, except this one is grown up, and is called Zodiac/Zac/Christopher/Plot Device. Bernie pretends she's going to Freshco's but is really knocking on the doors of all the Christopher Greens in Manchester. She later fesses up to Dev and then finds the actual Zachristopher and pretends to be a cleaner sent from an agency. This subterfuge doesn't last long as he rings the agency who just laugh when he says Bernie Winter is there. Anyway this Chris Green tells her he's not adopted but has a peculiar look as she departs and we later see him looking at a jade elephant that is all he brought back from holiday in Kerala Bernie gave to him when he was adopted. And Gemma finds Bernie's box of mementoes but Bernie pretends he was an ex and Gemma vows (to Paul) that she will look for him (as well).

Demi is back! Yay! Coincidently, Steve has read in the Weatherfield Gazette about a statue of Tommy O being put up at County, and he rants about it to Dishy Demi over a Bistro lunch and she gets the full story about Tracy out of him, although she gets very bored very quickly and feigns an important email in order to leave.


Toyah does some more research into Scientology The Institute and finds a forum detailing the experiences of ex-members, but which is taken down before she can show it to her sis. Leanne has a session with Wrong 'Un Rowan who has been promoted to Head of Thetans the North West division of Altovalent and is having a do to celebrate (off-screen). Nick goes along with Leanne and whilst not fully convinced, is no longer taking Toyah's side against The Institute. Rowan then invites Leanne on a two week retreat, which she turns down but we all know she's going, don't we?

Deedee tells Carla and Nina that D.S Swain has got hold of the messages from Lauren's Ovidz account, which Bethany overhears and she goes through the solicitor's office to try and get info. Maybe they need to get a receptionist? Deedee tells Swain that she's going to get an expert to look at the messages to prove they're not from Roy as he has better spellcheck than MS Word and would never misuse a semi-colon.


And finally, Michael tells Glenda that she shouldn't sue George. Are the powers that be putting these two together? It'd be an interesting combo, although I personally get a friendship vibe from them. I think Michael and Toyah'd be a better bet. Anyway, George offers Glenda £22K, which seems to be the end of it, but Glenda later reveals that she's going to use the money to sue George. Cold!

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter


  1. Bernie's long lost son storyline is as bad as when Nick found out Sam was his son just as Leanne's son Oliver was dying.
    I bet within a month of Paul's death,he will be forgotten in favor of Christopher who of course will be gay and paired up with Billy!

  2. I noticed Zodiac/Zac/Christopher was listed as Kit in the credits.

  3. Pretty irresponsible of Adam to leave Bethany in the office, with all those confidential files out in the open. He and DeeDee are as unprofessional as each other, with all her "private" chats in the café with Carla and Nina, well within earshot of all and sundry in this case Bethany.

  4. Sharon boothroyd16 May 2024 at 13:53

    The long lost adopted child plot is such a soap cliche. You'd think they'd be able to dream up a better plot than that, but no.
    As you say anon, he'll probably be gay and when Paul's passed away, he'll pair up with Billy.
    Dev has all those kids.
    Wouldn't it be better to let appeal be friendly with Aadi and Asha, then wreck subtle to dangerous revenge on Dev and his 2 kids for not being around when they grew up?
    I'm not sure about Michael and Glenda as well.
    I think Demi can do better than Steve, who is clearly still in love with Tracey.
    He only wants to post photos of him and Demi on SM so Tracey will see them and will feel jealous. (That's his idea, anyway).

  5. Sharon Boothroyd16 May 2024 at 16:47

    Sorry -typo. one of Dev's long lost kids to appear and get friendly with asha and aadi...
