Saturday 4 May 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 3 May 2024

Paul has a father - who knew?  Well, obviously there was someone because otherwise - well you know - but in all seriousness why would he suddenly show any interest after 30 years?  In this one episode the fates conspire to identify Denny (Danny Cunningham) as particularly useless.  First he is told not to leave Paul whilst Billy visits a parishioner (he is an Archdeacon on leave - he does not have a parishioner); Denny duly leaves Paul who tries to call an ambulance as he sinks into a coma but fails as he cannot speak.  Denny is not sure which ice cream to buy and Gemini happens to be in the shop so Denny gets sidetracked because he wants to meet the grandchildren which is arranged in Roys Rolls where is playing with them for ages until Gemma reminds him of the ice cream (chocolate for the third time).  He eventually returns to the flat to find Paul unresponsive and summons the yellow Weatherfield taxi with flashing blue light womanned by Asha as Billy returns to find out about the unfolding disaster so can accompany Paul to hospital where, in contrast to normal NHS on Corrie, they are kept waiting in the ambulance for some hours as there is no room at the inn.  Rather than doing a runner Denny goes shopping and gets shamed eventually into going to the hospital although feelings run high.  Denny leaves and has decided that he can make a few pennies out of his son by flogging his wheelchair which he will deliver tomorrow.  Either this character has a huge redemption arc or is not long for this world.  Paul meanwhile has been diagnosed with pneumonia caused by swallowing his own vomit on Wednesday when Denny got him drunk.

Bernie is upset by Denny's antics in Roy's Rolls and at home she gets out her memory box - keepsakes of the children and a tied bundle of letters - which remain tied and which she denies are love letters but are perhaps an explanation of part of her history - from around 30 years ago - about which we will hear more in the coming weeks.  There is a small sock and other items which seem to cheer and re-assure her.  However in explaining the contents to Dev she makes an odd comment "all my children" and Denny made a remark about her having a secret.  Later she also comments on Dev's numerous children so "prediction alert" is that Bernie had or has another child.  Dev admits that he also thinks of all of his children and on how much he has missed out.

Dev has scored!  He hit an albatross, no not the bird as we all know about the bad luck that follows.  Two magnificent shots on the fifteenth meant 3 under on a par 5 hole (one under - birdie, two under - eagle, three under - albatross).  He gets to dine with the club captain next week.  His celebrations are soon cut short by news of Paul's trip to hospital.

Liam is taking up martial arts but Joseph notes he did not participate.  Joseph suggests watching some movies and Liam manages to get Maria to agree to him spending time at Joseph's.  But she is not checking his search history as he seems to keep searching on Voggle for diazepam.  Perhaps he has learnt to clear it.

Tim is fed up with Sally banning him from talking to Steve.  In a great scene on Maxeem's bench Sally explains that she is concerned that divorce might be catching - she has read about it and when one couple breaks up it spreads like wildfire through the group of friends and she is very concerned that Tim might have his head turned.  Tim is surprised by the explanation - he is 52 after all - and then Sally tells him that he is fit as a butcher's dog and that he is her trophy husband.  They make up and share a box of chips.

In the Rovers Steve finally gets to meet Demi (Lisa Shingler) who apparently knows a lot about Weathy County having held a season ticket and a Mum who worked in hospitality.  She strikes gold when she reveals (perhaps a little too readily) that the player who was the greatest plonker was all time legend Tommy Orpington.  Her description of him suits Steve's ears - but is a mile away from the Tommy O we have seen on the screen over the years.  The two of them hit it off well and there is no doubt that there will be another date and Steve later tells Amy that she is little Miss Perfect for him.  {For the record and in another life the same actress was Rachel Forbes who had a series of dates with Steve in 1997/8}.

In other unbelievable stories Alya gets closer to Adam as they work on the joint case over poor property management.  And she is obviously in full flirt mode - which is not the "no-sex before marriage" Alya we originally met.  Not to mention that having started a new job where she is immediately offered a transfer to Dublin - which has a different legal system.  When Rich finds Alya and Adam kissing (to be honest he did start it) he tells her Dublin is out of the question.  Adam later talks to Rich in the Rovers and explains that Alya was not responsible and that she should still be sent to Dublin and for all sorts of reasons it seems likely she will go.

Roy and Dee Dee keep missing each other's calls (well Dee Dee cannot phone Roy in prison - but you know what I mean) but they eventually speak just before the end of the episode.  Roy feels that there was a significant conversation between Max and Lauren about the "boyfriend" just before her disappearance which has been reshown in recent episodes.  Roy feels the key might be the necklace that Lauren kept touching and he has drawn the item hanging on the necklace - if they could find the jeweller and who was the buyer then there might be a lead.  For those with memories you may recall that back in December Dee Dee found a jewellery receipt which Joel said related to an expensive pair of cufflinks.  This may well be a red herring.

Best bit tonight was almost Dev and his albatross but Sally and Tim on the bench was great.  Third place - Steve and Demi in the Rovers.  In many respects tonight was the best episode for ages.  The family scenes between Steve and Amy, Platt chat and "Stim" and "Our Fam" - but no Tracy - chat groups.  Tim and Sally in the Rovers and then on the bench.  Sally wanting "PG" - not tips - Pinot Grigio - when we know that the Rovers does white or red!  Dev and Bernie discussing children.  We NEED nay we DEMAND far more of this.  Indeed I can almost forgive Alya and Adam for their antics - because this is Corrie.  Thank you for tonight - it gives me hope that is light at the end of the tunnel and not just a train coming the other way.

Written by Simon Crowther and Jonathan Harvey.  Directed by Chantelle Kayll.



  1. Best bit was the sweating comment!

  2. Yes defo at least one other child for Bernie because "all my kids" means more than two. It probably didn't die either as Denny implied she has a shameful secret. I assume the child was taken into care because Bernie was an unfit mother, or maybe she gaveehim/her up for adoption because she couldn't cope.
    The 2-hander scenes are what keep me watching: Tim & Sally, Tim & Steve, Demi & Steve, Evelyn or Rita with anyone. Plus Mary's stories.

  3. Sharon Boothroyd4 May 2024 at 17:21

    Why hasn't Brian gone to see Roy, either in hospital or prison? It seems strange. I also think Sam and Evelyn would want to see him.
    I like how Amy gave her dad dating advice and how Alya and Adam got together.
    We need another AA couple to get together too - Amy and Addi.
    With Nathan returning, there's rumours about bringing Richard hillman back.
    Yes cue for a long lost adopted son or daughter of Bernie's to rock up. They're probably due to appear after Paul has passed away.

  4. Humpty Dumpty4 May 2024 at 20:11

    Bernie may have sold the baby to raise funds for drugs. That would be, in soap terms, the most shameful secret. Guessing Denny appeared as a lead-in to this other child appearing. An exceptionally good episode, the work of Simon Crowther and Jonathan Harvey.

  5. I really hope Bernie doesn't find out she has another child [a son?]just as Paul is dying
    This scenario has been played out before when Nick found out Sam was his son just as Leanne's son Oliver was dying.Oliver was immediately forgotten by Nick in favor of Sam and I don't want to see that happen with Paul.

  6. Sharon: probably because Brian seems to be absent at present and they can only afford to pay so many cast members at a time! But he could be mentioned as having visited. The same with Sam and Evelyn.
    Humpty: oh yes, Bernie sold a baby - even worse!
    Denny is a truly nasty piece of work ( as was Bernie when she first appeared - the holistic/ mystical stuff came out of nowhere) . How on earth will he manage to steal the wheelchair?

  7. I know this is asking a lot but could the character Nick possibly get through even one scene and keep his eyes open for the whole scene! Who would hire an actor who seems to enjoy doing his lines with his eyes shut. If you've ever listened to a speaker who ums and ahs you know you stop.listening to what they are actually saying and listen for the um or ah. Watching Nick I stop listening to him and spend my time watching for him to close his eyes. Is there actually a director on the set..if so why doesn't he yell out..."open your eyes and keep them Open!"
    Jim Quail in Canada
