Tuesday 26 December 2023

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Tuesday 26th December 2023


Tuesday 26th December


This emotional episode explores the relationship between Weatherfield’s answer to Taylor and Burton. Carla and Peter look back over their tumultuous courtship and realise that, although they will always love each other, maybe they are better off apart. As they sit down to their last supper together will these soulmates be able to come to terms with a future without each other?

As Peter heads out of the flat with his holdall, closely followed by Carla, he’s touched and surprised to find the whole family, with the exception of Simon, waiting outside. Peter exchanges emotional farewells with each of them and promises Ken that he’ll keep in touch. 

Glenda Young
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1 comment:

  1. what was the tune played on the train as Peter left
